I've been teasing you all for a couple of months now by occasionally mentioning the Super Sekrit Project I've been working on--but I swear, it wasn't my fault.
The thing about publishing is that you don't want to announce any project, no matter how certain it seems, until you have a contract. And the contract for this project was unusually complicated because there were two people involved.
That got your attention, didn't it? Okay--here is your first hint. This is other person who is working on the Super Sekrit Project with me:
Elisabeth Alba
Go ahead, take a look. I'll wait. Do you have a guess what the project might be?
Here's another hint: this project is for Llewellyn, but it is
completely different from anything I have ever done before.
NOW do you have a guess?
*bounce* *bounce* *bounce*
Okay, I'll tell you!
I'm doing a TAROT DECK.
I know! How cool is that? (Can you tell I'm a little excited?) I hadn't really planned to do anything else with Llewellyn, beyond the book I have coming out in March [
Everyday Witchcraft, a follow-up to
The Goddess is in the Details, which just went back for an 6th printing, by the way.]. I'm mostly focusing on the fiction for now. But when I got offered the chance to do a tarot deck, the project was just too fun and cool to say no to. And then they found Elisabeth to do the art, and I was even happier I'd said yes, because I really love her work.
We don't know what it is going to be called, although we are using "Retro Tarot" as a working title, because the style is loosely based on the art for the front cover of
The Witch's Broom. You remember that, right?
We'll probably end up calling it something like "Everyday Witch Tarot" or "Practical Witch Tarot," because as usual, I'll be taking a simple, practical, and easily accessible approach. It is my job to come up with the theme, and the descriptions for all 78 cards (we are using the basic Rider-Waite tarot as a base to work from, since most people are familiar with those cards). And then write a 300 page book to go with the cards, which Elisabeth creates based on my descriptions. She's amazing, so I think this deck is going to be really something.
Here's a little note from Elisabeth (who is going to do a blog post of her own about the project--as soon as she's done GETTING MARRIED):
I'm very excited to be working with Deborah on this tarot project over the next year and a half. Her writing and my art are meshing
fantastically so far, and I can't wait to see what other cards await my pen and paintbrush! This will be a fun collaboration, and I'm very pleased
and honored to be working on it with Deborah and everyone at Llewellyn.
(And yes, she did say "year and a half." That's how long it takes to create a tarot deck, mostly because of the insane amount of artwork involved. So this won't be out until sometime in 2016. Darn it.)
Here's a little sample of what we're working on:
The Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles |
And here's what it will say about the card in the book:
“Prosperity and abundance come in many forms.”
caption: You have everything you need and most of what you want. Life is
full of gifts, if you open your heart and spirit to them.
explanation of card:
Prosperity is as a much a state of
mind as it is the state of your bank account. There is abundance all around
you, and people who will help you achieve your goals. If you are rooted in the
earth and tuned into the glory of the world around you, it is that much more
likely that you too will blossom and grow. Be the Queen of your own domain, but
rule with love and an open heart.
Things to consider – Do you
appreciate the riches in your life, whatever form they take? Are you open to
new opportunities? Are you fully present in your own life? How can you make the
most of the possibilities available to you now, and how can you prepare for any
new possibilities that lie ahead? Embrace your own power without fear. Be open
to help from others who are willing to work for your benefit. Remember that
prosperity doesn’t have to mean money.
The 4 of Swords
The 4 of Swords |
“To Sleep, Perchance to Dream”
caption: Are you resting, or retreating?
explanation of card:
We all need to pull back from the
world from time to time; take a break, catch our breath, and regroup. The trick
is to know the difference between the lack of movement that is positive and
beneficial, and the lack of movement that means we are stuck, in a state of
suspended animation.
Things to consider: Depending on
where this card falls in a reading, it may be a suggestion that you need to
rest and refresh your spirit, giving yourself the time and space to renew body,
mind, and spirit. Alternately, it may indicate that you are stuck in a rut,
spinning your wheels when you should be taking action. Are you tired and
overwhelmed? Or are you running away from making the tough choices or taking
decisive action that you know is needed. Is there someone in your life who is
holding you back, or whose lack of action has a negative effect on your current
circumstances? This card indicates that they are stuck, and probably not going
to change. Do you need a rest or a wake-up call?
As you can see, we are using lots of traditional imagery, like black hats, and brooms, and black cats. I'm having a blast working on this project, and I'm so glad I can finally share it with all of you! What do you think?