As many of you know, I have been working on a tarot deck for Llewellyn, along with illustrator Elisabeth Alba. It is an insanely long and complicated process, and the deck won't be out until January 2017 (and it isn't even up for preorder yet)...but we finally have COVERS to share with you, and we couldn't wait!
Here is the cover for the set (on the outside of the box). The card they used here is Judgement.
Here is the cover for the book I wrote, which will come with the deck. The card they used for this one is the The High Priestess.
And here is what the back of the cards will look like. I LOVE this design!!! Isn't Elisabeth's art fabulous?
What do you think? I hope you're as excited as we are.
Of course, I can't do a giveaway to celebrate, because the cards aren't out yet...or can I? (Bwahahahaha...)
If you've read some of the earlier posts about the creation of the deck, you might already know that when I was writing the book, I bought a bunch of other tarot kits for research. So I'm going to give away one of those--a cool card and book kit called Tarot for Everyone. It came out in 2008 and it isn't even available anymore, so I suppose you could consider it a collector's item. (The kit is open, of course, since I looked at it while I was working on my book.)
As always, all you have to do to enter is use the Rafflecopter form. [No purchase necessary, not associated with Facebook in any way, yada yada yada.]
Tell me--do you own one or more tarot decks already? Are you excited about this one?
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This is a Good Book Thursday, February 13, 2025
5 hours ago