Monday, September 23, 2013

Out with the Old, In with the New--A CONTEST to Name the New Baby!

This was what my car looked like this morning:

This is what it looks like now. MAGIC!

 That's a 2013 Honda Fit, in case you were wondering. My first actual NEW car ever. Shiny!

Of course, now I have to name it. My mom suggested Deirdre, which is the name of the protagonist in my first novel (Witch Ever Way You Can). But I'm not sure that suits the car. So, I'm going to have a contest! Go ahead and suggest a name for the car, and if I pick one, that person will win the signed book of their choice. Well? What do you think?

And just in case this isn't enough for one day, I came home to discover that my pal Bobbie had dropped off a belated birthday gift...just in case I needed another form of transportation :-)


  1. I love it! Congrats!! And that license plate is still perfect ;-) How about Bluebelle? Lady B? Booberry?

    1. As my mom pointed out, the license plate makes even more sense now, since the car is actually blue :-)

  2. So, it's a happy color and a happy shape, so my first thought is "Bubbles." That then turned me in the direction of a character of that name in a series by Elizabeth Moon. After Serious Events, the girl wanted a different name and chose to go by "Brun," which was short for "Brunhilde," which was her given name. Brun rhymes with broom (and that's a totally awesome broom, btw). So I say either Bubbles or Brun.

    1. My husband's aunt's name was Brunhilde -- everyone called her "Bruni"

    2. How about Bel as in Beltaine? I love the new car by the way! I can't wait to come home and get to ride in it :) The car could be an Artemis too, I mean it is a Fit and she was pretty darn athletic lol.

  3. Dragonfly, because the color reminds me of the shimmer of a dragonfly's wings.

    Kit Perdunn

  4. sooooo pretty. And I was going to suggest Bluebelle as well - but someone else was faster with that one. :)

  5. How about Aurora. That's what it looks like when the sun is shinning on it. :)

  6. You could call her "Bruja" -- Spanish for "witch" -- or, "Boo-ha!" as a joke. :P Congratulations -- she's lovely!

    1. The Blue Bruja...hmmm...that's definitely on the shortlist.

  7. This is such a pretty color!

    How about Luna (Moon)?
    Luna Blue (it will sound like Beyonce named your car)?
    Or the full Latin name, Luna Caerulea?

    I hope she enjoys a very long life!

    1. Luna Cerulea! Very cool. Added to the shortlist.

    2. Danyelle--I'm going with Luna Caerulea! Let me know which book you want and where you want it sent!

  8. She looks like a Flitwick. Call her Flit for short.

  9. Hi There! Love your books, and just stumbled upon your site... The car looks like an Esmerelda to me!

  10. I'm leaning towards Brunhilde, what do you think?

    1. Obviously, I think that's a winner! ;)

    2. The only problem is that I looked up the legend of Brunhilde (which I haven't read in a while), and things Do Not End Well. I'm not sure that makes for an auspicious name....

  11. How about..... Azura? Or Calliope? Or Chi?

  12. Welcome to Club Fit! I have a 2008 Fit and I love it. :)

    1. Yay! So have you had any problems with yours I should be on the lookout for?

    2. Hondas are pretty solid- I've owned nothing but Honda cars since 1990. Mine was off the road for a few years (long story), so it actually has less than 20K miles on it. There's been a recall for a electrical issue (which I have yet to get to the dealer for). A friend who bought a Fit earlier this year had a minor issue with the tire pressure indicator not turning off (right after she took possession of her new car). She went back and they reset it. I know several folks with Fits, I haven't heard about anything dicey. (But really, that's the sort of thing that can come and go, for *any* mfr/model, as they tweak things each year.)

      The only noteworthy thing that annoyed me was having the tire pressure light on mine not go out after the front tires were replaced when the pressure WAS correct - (turned out it's working as designed; if the tire is physically removed, you have to drive a few miles before it goes off, but I thought it was odd.)

    3. I was told by the salesman that if I got snow tires on different rims I would have to pay for special sensor-type rims AND have the computers recalibrated every time I changed the tires. Sigh.

