I am a member of a number of online RWA writing chapters (since I don't have an in-person one anywhere near me). The first one I joined, three or more years ago, was the Chick Lit Writers of the World. I love this group of women (and one man, Hi Chuck!). They are generous, smart, and great writers. And yes, I know that Chick Lit is supposed to be dead, but believe me, it isn't--mostly just recreated under a new bunch of names, like Women's Fiction.
The year I spent doing the writing contest circuit, I took part in the chapter's contest, "Get Your Stiletto in the Door," twice--once at the beginning and once at the end...and finalled both times. Yay! Little wonder it is one of my favorites.
Today I am guest blogging about my experiences with the Stiletto and contests in general. Go check it out. And if you do the contest thing, I'd definitely take a look at entering the Stiletto. As long as you have some humor and some romance in your manuscript, I'll bet you can find a category that works for you.
Working Wednesday 290 (Maybe)
5 hours ago