Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Claws for Suspicion Giveaway


OMG! I don't know how it happened, but we're just a month away from the release of CLAWS FOR SUSPICION the third book in the Catskills Pet Rescue cozy mystery series. If you've been following me for more than a minute, you know what that means--time for a giveaway!

I really, really want to spread the word about the book and the series (because there's a very good chance there won't  be any more books in the series otherwise, alas), and I could really, really use your help. Plus, I think you're going to love this book.

I mean, just check out this fabulous cover!

It's even got beer. And a kitten, of course.

Here's the description of the book, along with some buy links:

When someone from her past comes to town to cause trouble, Kari Stuart and her sassy kitten Queenie will have to work hard to protect the Serenity Sanctuary in this new Catskills Pet Rescue Mystery.

Kari Stuart is finally starting to relax into her role as the new owner of the Serenity Sanctuary and is looking forward to the various fun autumn activities in the beautiful Catskills town of Lakeview, like the annual Oktoberfest celebration. It’s time for friends and quality bonding with handsome vet Angus McCoy. Until the unexpected arrival of her unpleasant ex-husband, Charlie Smith.

He comes bearing a shocking revelation—the paperwork on their divorce never went through, and they are still married. Worse yet, he thinks this entitles him to half of her lottery winnings—although he’ll happily take partial ownership of the sanctuary instead. Kari isn’t sure if he’s telling the truth, or if it’s just another one of Charlie’s lies. 
But things go from bad to worse when an unexpected death makes Kari the main suspect in a murder investigation. Will she and Queenie be able to find the real killer and keep the home they’ve built at the sanctuary safe, or is their string of luck finally tapped out? 

Buy Links

Amazon |Amazon Print |Penguin|Nook |Kobo |Apple

 And here is the giveaway! It includes a $25 Amazon gift card (so you can buy yourself a copy of the book, of course), plus a fun cat and dog themed coloring book, a set of watercolor pencils, a cute pen, and some bookmarks. Who wouldn't want all that?

So hurry up and enter--all you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter entry below. No purchase necessary. And don't forget to tell all your friends!


  1. both, checked out Patreon

  2. I just happened to accidentally stumble upon this post and thought: cats!!! ... I'm totally into cats and glad to have found you 😸

    1. So many cats! If you follow me online (I'm on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) you will see many, many cute cat pictures. I have five, all rescues.

    2. I just happened to stumble upon your Everyday Witch Tarot...ordered the deck, will have it today! Decided to read about the author. What a lucky find! Can't wait to read your books. Looking forward to following your adventures. Cordially, love & light, Eydie Ann

  3. I really hope this series continues!


    1. Oh and cats, definitely cats.

    2. For EVeryone who wants the series to continue, you can send your comments to:
      come on everyone, let the publishers know we want to keep reading them!!!

    3. opps, maybe did that wrong: write to the publishers to continue series!

  4. Cats, I'm definitely at cat person. I have two awesome cats. Visited Patreon page.

  5. Cats, I'm definitely a cat person. I have two cats. Visited Patreon page.

  6. Cats all the way!!!

  7. It's all cats all the time now. But it used to be 2 cats, 2 horses, 2 dogs, and whoever else wandered in. The cats don't demand walks at o'dark thirty, which is nice...

  8. I love both and have often had both. I don't have a dog at the moment but would love one. If I HAD to pick, it would always be cats because I have a natural/effortless connection with them that is on a spiritual level. <3

    1. I love dogs too, but my cats won't let me have one.

  9. Both! My family always had dogs, but I adopted my first house panther a few years ago; so in love!

    1. yay for house panthers! (And dogs. Dogs are good.)

  10. I love both, but my fur baby girl Farah doesn’t like cats that much and my brother has another fur baby girl, so we don’t have cats

  11. Deborah(yelling-sorry) The Everyday Witch is one of my all time favorites….. how did I not know you write books 🤔 Now I have to get them all 🦹‍♀️

