Good grief. The last two weeks just flew by. How is it the middle of October already? It seems like it was just the 2nd, release day. That was a busy day and week. Then I had visitors for the next week (more on that tomorrow, if I have time). Which means that today was the first day I had to catch up on All the Things. Needless to say, there is still a lot to do (revisions of the second Rider novel are on the agenda for the rest of the evening), but this was what I did today.
Made pesto out of the last of the basil to come out of the garden (a week ago, with the help of pal Ellen). We pulled everything out and put the garden to bed, since the nights are turning frosty, even though the days are still pretty warm.
Pesto-making looks like a lot, doesn't it? |
All that made three little jars. But still, yum in the freezer. |
Then I Skyped with my friend Kathy (you know, until Skype died on us...I think we broke it talking about politics).
Hi Kathy! |
Then I cleaned the pellet stove, so it was ready to go when things get even colder. Messy job, and tough to do when you can't kneel, but I found a stool that helped. Look how clean!
As a break from that fun, I did some government paperwork for the shop online. (The NYS-45 quarterly form, in case you were wondering. No, I didn't think so.)
No such thing as a day off |
Then I used up most of the bumper crop of eggplant (also harvested when we put the garden to bed last week) and made a huge pan of eggplant parm. I guess I know what I'm eating this week...
More yum |
Which I then ate some of, supervised by Magic the Cat.
Hey, I earned that beer! |
Guess who got to be in charge of the remote?
You want to watch WHAT? |
Now I have about two hours to spend on revisions before I go to bed. Tomorrow I have an appointment before work at PT and then one after work with an orthopedic specialist, since the knee seems to have stopped improving. I'll try to post some pictures of the week of visitors after I get home, if I'm not too fried.
What did you do this Sunday? And, um, read any good books lately?