Sunday, June 5, 2016

Midsummer Giveaway!

I'm looking forward to celebrating the Summer Solstice later this month (it falls on the 20th, which is a Monday, and this year shares the day with a full moon!). It is one of my favorite holidays.

I realized I still have a few copies of the Midsummer book I wrote for Llewellyn's Sabbats series, so I thought I'd give a few away, Just Because. I'm going to give away two here and one on Facebook at some point in a quickie pop-up giveaway, so if you're not following me there yet, you might want to :-)

As always, all you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form below. No purchase necessary, and you can pick and choose the options you want. Extra points for leaving NEW reviews or buying a book during the duration of the contest, of course! (And don't worry if you already follow the blog, or whatever--you can still take credit for those options.)

Open to everyone, everywhere!

So tell me, do you celebrate the summer solstice?


  1. Awesome... shared where I could :)

  2. Thanks for the giveaway - looking forward to sequel to Veiled Magic!

  3. Thank's for the opportunity Deborah! I've only just recently stumbled across your work when Llewellyn linked the tarot deck you're working on with Elisabeth Alba on facebook.

    I'm really looking forward to the deck and now I'm intrigued to read some of your other work. This look like a great place to start :)

    I'd have enter as having bought a book - but I'm having a hard time choosing where to start! That can't be a bad thing :)

    1. Oh by the way - yes I absolutely do celebrate the summer solsctice. My husband is Scandinavian and we live in Sweden so midsummer is a big party here even if you don't have any specific spiritual traditions.

      As a family we celebrate all of the solstices - but summer is our favourite!

      A home prepared meal outside in the fresh air. Bare feet on the earth, sun shining on our faces (hopefully), time with our friends and family and tributes to the gods.

      As I'm the more spiritual in our family I also take some time personally to contemplate what the last quarter has been like, how I have reacted to life's ups and downs and where I can focus my energy for personal growth. I often incorporate some sort of artful practice here - sometimes on paper, sometimes in the sand at the beach or in our garden.

    2. Lots of cool midsummer practices in that part of the world! You might might like my most recent book, Everyday Witchcraft.

  4. I had this one and lent it out and it never came back :( Would love to have another copy!

    I spend the week of Summer Solstice at PSG with Circle Sanctuary. Getting ready to head out on the 18th

  5. I love all of your books would love this one as well.

  6. Becca and I will spend our Summer Solstice doing what and as we can in our yard or on our deck. As I can only do things in 15-20 intervals with rest in between. We mayy be out there from dawn to dusk.

  7. I celebrate in a solitary fashion, at my altar in our back yard....

  8. I celebrate in a solitary fashion, at my altar in our back yard....

  9. Midsummer is usually the last bit of time before the sun burns & humidity makes it difficult to breathe. So I enjoy the blooming gardens, playful grands, & make plans to enjoy the weather as I can.

  10. I haven't been celebrating it but I have wanted to start doing so.

  11. Yes I do. Sometimes with solo moonlit ritual, sometimes by having friends over for a feast. This year I hope to be in the UK wrapping up a meditation retreat/ Stonehenge - too many people.

  12. This year I'm looking forward to being able to celebrate in my own garden at Midsummer. I'm already planning out my ritual.

  13. I celebrate the Solstice with my husband. This year I am giving a presentation to a group on the Pagan Wheel of The Year.

  14. I haven't celebrated the solstice in the past, but I want to begin doing so. I've been away from my practice since my health failed, though I've read some of your books (as well as a few others) and stayed somewhat connected that way)and I need to reconnect starting now. I think I'll feel much better with cards in hand, candles around, and rituals performed regularly. There's so much I need to learn...

    1. It can be hard when you're not feeling well. *hugs*

  15. I do celebrate the Summer Solstice! :) There is a local garden that has a big celebration and has a labyrinth to walk~ That's on the weekend closest to the solstice, I also do a solitary celebration at home on the actual solstice. :)

  16. Yes, I celebrate the summer solstice! I am coming up on my 17th year as a witch!

  17. Yes, I celebrate the summer solstice! I am coming up on my 17th year as a witch!

  18. I try to do at least something small depending on how my work schedule ends up.

  19. Litha is my absolute favorite Sabbat, so yes, I definitely celebrate it. With the coven ladies, we schedule a potluck BBQ family afternoon, with swimming and hanging out. The kids get to do some activities and listen to stories. And in the evening, the coven members hold our ritual. It's a great day, and we have so much fun with this tradition every year.

  20. For solstice this year, since I'm living with son in law and daughter, my solstice will be going to the nature preserve and meditating there. Normally, I would do a full, albeit solitary ritual, but at this time, I just don't have the space.

  21. I used to love Yule because it meant the light was coming back. Now that I live in FL I yearn for midsummer so we can be over the hump!! 😊

  22. Celebrating with my kindred this year! Blot to the Gods, feast and storytelling.

  23. I have not gotten the opportunity to celebrate it for a few years, but would love to start again! Thanks for the opportunity to win your book!

  24. What a great giveaway! And so seasonally appropriate!

