Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Veiled Magic is Out!

Happy release day to me! (And to all of you who plan to read the book, of course.) I'm so pleased to welcome VEILED MAGIC to the world! Now I just have to keep myself from obsessively checking the Amazon rankings... Book release days are both fun and nerve wracking!

 Magic the Cat says, "I read it and really liked it. Well, I kind of liked it. At least there's a cat in this one."

Mystic wants to know if you're going to read it. He's curious that way.

Don't forget that you can read the prequel short story, originally published in The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction, for free at my website! Dead and (Mostly) Gone

Here are a few handy Buy Links if you feel overcome by the sudden urge to go get yourself a copy.

It's only available as an ebook, but you can download a free Kindle app on Amazon (right on the book's page) and read it on your computer if you don't have and eReader. (No, it won't be out in print any time soon, as far as I know, unless it sells like crazy.)

I hope that people love this one, because I sure do!

So tell me, what should I do to celebrate? And if you read it and like it, be sure to let me (and, you know, the rest of the world) know!

OMG! The book is out! Happy dance time!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

One Week to Veiled Magic! Flash Giveaway!

I can't believe that VEILED MAGIC is out in a week! I have been waiting a long time for this book to make its way out into the world. (It was the book that got me my agent four years ago, but we didn't sell it until this year.) I'm a little excited. *dance dance dance* Ahem.

Have you preordered your copy yet? She asked, as if she didn't care what the answer was...

Veiled Magic will only be out as an ebook, but if you don't have a reader, and don't happen to win one at my KINDLE FIRE HD GIVEAWAY (which ends on Friday, October 13th), you can still download it onto your computer using the free Kindle app. Just sayin'.

I know I already have a giveaway going on, but I can't let the one week mark go by without doing *something* now, can I? So I'm going to do a flash giveaway! This one is going to run until the end of the day (midnight EST) on Wednesday the 11th. The winner will get this:

A cool Veiled Magic mug!
As always, no purchase is necessary. This one is open to USA only, because of the shipping, but no worries, there will be plenty more giveaways coming up soon.

All you have to do to enter is to leave a comment on the blog. And since we're not using Rafflecopter for this one, be sure to leave an email or facebook name or some other way to get in touch with you if you win.

ONE WEEK!!!!!!! Who is excited?

Monday, November 9, 2015

World Fantasy Convention Report

Sorry I haven't been around, but I literally haven't been around. (Although I have read all of your comments on the giveaway post!) I left on Thursday night for the World Fantasy Convention, held this year in lovely Saratoga NY, about 2  hours from where I live, which is one of the reasons I went when I was already traveling too much this year. I just got back last night.

It was an interesting con...the convention itself wasn't great (for a number of reasons too complicated to go into), but I got to spend time with some fabulous folks (including authors I knew from Facebook but had never met in person, as well as an old friend I hadn't seen since 2008), see the amazing art show, and eat WAY too much wonderful food. Here are a few highlights:

Either Magic the Cat was helping me pack or telling me not to go away again. Which do you think it was?

Dinner Friday night with Lucienne Diver, Nancy Holzner, Esther Friesner, Carol Berg, and a couple of other folks.

This was my dinner! Crab stuffed shrimp--YUM!

The hysterical Esther Friesner, charming C.S. MacCath, me, and the brilliant Carol Berg

 Getting to meet Esther Friesner and Carol Berg (two of my favorite authors) and spend time with them was such a treat! As was hanging out with the gorgous Lucienne Diver, and my old pal C. S. MacCath, who I met back in 2018 at Pantheacon. We're both in the Llewellyn Pagan Anthology together. She and I and Crystal Sarakas, another friend, may have hatched a sekret plan. Or not. I can't say.

Esther, Lucienne, me, and Carol Berg. It is clear that we were plotting something and Esther was setting it into motion...

Dinner Saturday night...or what was left of it. We went to the Boca Bistro, which was an amazing tapas and wine place. Best food evah!

Author pal and roommate for the con, Nancy Holzner. She was great company!

Naturally, I didn't make it home without some books. A few of those were given to attendees in a cool bookbag, and others I bought to get signed by Esther and Carol, or just because I didn't have them yet. Lucienne and I swapped books, because we each had the other's books only on Kindle.

To top the whole thing off, I got to have breakfast on Sunday morning with my sister Sarah, talented brother in-law Rich, and my much-adored niece Addy, who live nearby.

It was a lovely time, but I'm glad to be home with the kitties and getting ready to dive back into working on Baba #4. Plus, of course, Veiled Magic is out in a week! The KINDLE FIRE HD GIVEAWAY is still on for another three days, so be sure to enter if you haven't done so yet! (And the Tweet about it option can be used every day.) I'll be posting another giveaway soon, too!

Have you gone anyplace interesting lately? (Or, you know, eaten anything good or bought a cool new book?)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I can't believe that VEILED MAGIC is out in less than two weeks! In case you haven't been around lately (in which case you missed a bunch of other great giveaways, but at least you're here for this one), VEILED MAGIC is an urban fantasy book that's an entirely different series from the Baba Yaga books. At least, it will be a new series if it sells well. At the moment, it is just a cool book to  hold you over until WICKEDLY POWERFUL come out in February, but I think you'll like it.

Here's the blurb:

A spellbinding new novel from the author of the Baba Yaga novelsSince Witches came out of the broom-closet in the early 21st century, they have worked alongside humans as police officers, healers, stock traders, and more. But they aren’t the only paranormal entities in our world…  

Police officer and Witch Donata Santori spends her days interrogating dead witnesses by summoning their spectral forms. Normally the job is little more than taking statements and filing reports. But when she’s called in on the case of a murdered art restorer, she finds herself suddenly in possession of a mystical portrait that both the human and paranormal communities would kill to get their hands on.

Unable to take on the forces hunting her alone, Donata seeks help from two unlikely and attractive allies: a reluctant shape-changer and a half-dragon art forger. But as the three of them hurry to uncover the truth about the powerful painting, Donata realizes that she’s caught in the middle of not one but two wars—one for possession of the painting’s secrets and one for possession of her heart…

Plus some buy links, you know, in case you feel the urge...

There's only one little thing--Berkley is putting this one out as an eBook only (unless it does spectacularly well). Now if you don't have an eReader, you can still buy it on Amazon and download the free Kindle app so you can read it on your computer.

Or, you can enter this contest.

In honor of the eBook only nature of VEILED MAGIC, I decided to go a little crazy and give away this:

Yes, that's a brand new, never been out of the box, KINDLE FIRE HD 7. Plus a $10 Amazon gift card, so the lucky winner can buy a copy of Veiled Magic to read on his or her new toy.

As always, no purchase is necessary (although if you want to preorder Veiled Magic or Wickedly Powerful, you can earn a few extra points that way). If you want credit for posting a review, it has to be a new one, dated today or after--but it can be for ANY book I've written. You can copy an Amazon review you wrote previously and post it on Goodreads or B&N, too.

Obviously, the point of this--besides rewarding one of my fabulous readers--is to spread the word about VEILED MAGIC as far as we can. You'll help me with that, right?

Because this is such a huge giveaway, it will be running through Friday November 13th. (That seemed fitting, somehow.) The "Tweet about the contest" option can be used every day. I'll announce the winner on the 14th. I'll probably also put up flash giveaways here on the blog, on Twitter, and on Facebook right up until Veiled Magic comes out on the 17th, so be sure to check often!

Tell me in the comments: Do you prefer to read in print, eBook, or both? And good luck!

