Because I am (as always) out of the loop, I just realized that today is the so-called "Cyber Monday" -- the day when people theoretically do most of their online holiday shopping.
*lifts head from trays full of beads and blinks*
Um...I probably should have done something about that, since I just put a bunch of my jewelry up on an Etsy store site.
So I had a brilliant idea over my hot chocolate. Well, brilliant might be stretching it a bit. Let's just call it an idea, shall we? After all, it IS Monday morning. By afternoon, it might look rather silly...
Anyway, so here's my idea. Since most of the folks who asked to look at (and in theory, be able to buy) my jewelry started out as fans of my writing, why not give away a BOOK as part of a Cyber Monday special? Specifically, a signed book, written by me. This can include any of the five books from Llewellyn: Circle, Coven & Grove; Everyday Witch A to Z; The Goddess is in the Details, Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook; and Witchcraft on a Shoestring.
Here's the deal: Go to my Etsy store TODAY. (Yes, it has to be today. That's the whole point. There is no way I'm running a special like this all season!) And buy any necklace. When you do, I will include a FREE, SIGNED copy of the book of your choice. (There is a place in the notes during the sale to leave me a message telling me which book, and how you want it personalized.) The book--and the necklace--can be for either you or for a gift. How's that for a Cyber Monday deal????
What? Why are you still here? Go! Go! (And tell all your friends. Pretty please.)
And thanks as always for supporting all my endeavors. I truly appreciate it.
Deborah, off to work at the day job
Working Wednesday 290 (Maybe)
10 hours ago