Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Make-Over Continues, Red Chair Happiness Part 2

My new red chair made me so happy, I went out and bought a new (fawn-colored) sofa to go with it. It is all poofy and reclines and everything. Not red (that would be a bit much in my small living room), but I may get wild and crazy and find some crimson pillows to go on it...

I'll let you know :-)


  1. definitely needs some cheery crimson cushions :) very nice!

  2. Nice! Your apartment looks light-filled and airy. That's my favorite kind of room.

  3. I agree. You need some red pillows to match your new chair. Just a touch to coordinate the new red in your home.

    Like you, I'm drawn to other more subdued colors. In fact, I'm not a red person , but once in awhile, something red catches my eye and then I must have it. Recently, I went to a tulip farm and carted home the most beautiful red tulip. Not fire engine red. Or orange red. But a deep pinkish red. More of a cherry color like your new chair. That's a red that always catches my eye.

    So the color red definitely has its place for us non-red people once we become determined to seize the red object of our choice.

  4. Thanks, JJJ! Actually, it is a small farmhouse, not an apartment. But I was still using the same furniture I had in my old apartment 10 years ago :-)

  5. Yes, crimson pillows!!!

    (Also, it should be noted that my word verification for this comment is ORDER. As in that's an order. Or order the pillows, darn it!Or maybe, in order to fully experience joy, you must buy the crimson pillows. Just sayin'.)

