OMG. There is so much going on here, I don't know where to start.
Okay, so first of all, as most of you already know, the Everyday Witch Oracle Deck is out from Llewellyn. It was supposed to come out on September 8th--yes, that's not for over a week--but was released about a month early. This caught me and illustrator Elisabeth Alba by surprise, but we're going to make up for it now.
When the Everyday Witch Tarot came out, Elisabeth made a road trip here from her home in Massachusetts. But she just gave birth to a baby in June (I KNOW! Congrats, Elisabeth!), so that wasn't possible this time. Instead, we each signed a dozen decks and sent them to each other, so we now have a dozen each that are signed by both of us. Most of those are going up on Etsy (Etsy listing) but I'm going to be giving away one double-signed copy here as well. In case math isn't your strong suit, that will leave me eleven on Etsy. LOL.
Each set will include the deck (signed by both of us), a special sticker we had made that features the back of the deck, a bookmark, and a postcard. The set I'm giving away here will also include some special surprise. What is it? I can't tell you--it's a SURPRISE.
So be sure to enter using the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of this post. As always, no purchase is necessary, although if you already have the deck, or win this copy, I'd really love it if you would post an honest review.
Here's a couple of the places you can get it. Amazon and Llewellyn. It is also available at B&N, any other online book seller, and you can request it from your local Indy book store if they don't happen to carry it.
I have news.
I just signed a contract with Llewellyn for a new book. TA DA!
Tentatively titled The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, it is going to be a fun and information-filled "everything you need to know" book for my witchy readers. It won't be out until 2021, probably (I haven't even started writing it yet), but I think you are going to like it.
Can you believe this is going to be my 13th nonfiction book? (My 12th with Llewellyn.) And that's not counting the books that come with the tarot deck and the oracle deck.I hope you're all as excited as I am.
And now, the giveaway you're really excited about.