I just spent last weekend making my yearly jaunt to my local SF/fantasy/gaming convention, located at the Roberson Museum in Binghamton, NY, a little over an hour from my house. As usual, RoberCon was a blast. I got to meet Anne Bishop, who was the author guest of honor, and hang out with pal Tamora Pierce and her stalwart assistant Julie. My friend Alethea Kontis, who was visiting the area from her home in Florida, was one of the guest authors this year too.
My friend Ellen went with me (her nickname for this is "The Entourage" since she does the driving, carries the heavy bags, and is generally useful) and we got to meet up with our friend Robin and her kids, my goddess-children Nate and Sophie, who live nearby and come every year. I love it that my friend has raised some serious geeks. (Nate made his own cool steampunk vest, and Sophie wore my favorite shirt, which says, "Trust me, I'm a Doctor."
I was exhausted going in and I'm more tired now, but a great time was had by all. I have the pictures to prove it.
The gang, with the addition of Princess Alethea |
Princess Alethea posing on the stairs of the Roberson Mansion |
Day One lunch break: Sophie, Robin, me, and Nate. Check out that vest! |
That's a lot of adorable. (Sophie got a new dragon. So did I.) |
New dragons for everyone! |
Crystal Sarakas, Tamora Pierce, Anne Bishop, Alethea Kontis |
Anne Bishop, Alethea, me, and a slightly gimpy Tamora Pierce |
Dancing authors! |
I love that last picture. It really captures the spirit of these amazing authors. As soon as I stepped away from our "serious official picture" they all started dancing, even Tammy with her cane! Now you can see why we always have so much fun.
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