It's finally here!*
The Little Book of Cat Magic is out in the world. I hope you're all as excited as I am! **
I love this cover! |
There are so many things about this book to be excited about. CATS! MAGIC! Plus, it is my first ever hardcover, which is pretty cool. I have to admit, there is something bittersweet for me about this book coming out now, because my beloved Magic the Cat, Queen of the Universe, isn't here to help me promote it (for the first time ever since I started publishing with Llewellyn). But as people have so kindly said, her part of the book is like her last gift to me and my readers, so I am trying to look at it that way.
And goodness knows, the new kittens will undoubtedly try to be helpful.
Here's Harry Dresden, wondering if he can order himself a copy without me knowing...
And here are a few buy links, you know, just in case you feel like ordering yourself one.
Buy Links
Barnes & Noble |Amazon |iBooks |Llewellyn
Here is the blurb for the book, in case you are wondering what a book of cat magic is all about:
Deepen the bond between you and your cat as you
weave magic together. This wonderful and witchy book is filled with a wide
variety of spells, charms, and recipes that you can use to improve the lives of
both you and your feline friends. From finding and naming a new cat to working
with him as a familiar, The Little Book of Cat Magic has
something for everyone who loves cats and magic.
Learn about cats throughout history
and the myths, folklore, and deities associated with them. Explore spells for
living with a cat, improving his health, and grieving and saying goodbye to him
when his nine lives have run their course. Enjoy crafts and recipes, divination
techniques involving cats, unique ways to channel your inner feline, and much
*Llewellyn has them right now. Amazon and other places might be a little late getting them in because there was apparently some delay at the printers. But if you order it now, they'll send it out to you as soon as they get it in, and anyone who preordered them should get them within a few days.
**I would normally have a great giveaway up here today, but as I type this (on Friday night, actually) I am about to head out of town to Baltimore to say goodbye to my beloved friend Bethany, who is dying of cancer. Today is her 34th birthday. And when it came down to a choice between being there for my friend and her husband, or promoting my book, it wasn't much of a choice. So I promise I will put up an even more spectacular giveaway in the next couple of days, hopefully after I have received my own author copies and will have a couple to give away. In the meanwhile, I appreciate your patience.
Happy book day! I hope you'll share a little bit about your cats in the comments.