Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Wickedly Spirited Release Day!

Whoo hooo! Wickedly Spirited is out today! This is the third novella in the BABA YAGA SERIES, and falls between the events of Dangerously Charming (the first Rider book) and Dangerously Divine (the second Rider book, out November 28th). It features the teen Jazz we first met in the story of the third Baba Yaga in Wickedly Powerful.

I hope you like it!

Wickedly Spirited on Amazon
Wickedly Spirited on B&N
Wickedly Spirited on Books a Million
Wickedly Spirited on iTunes

Monday, September 11, 2017

Kindle & Kitty Giveaway!

I'm going to be traveling for a chunk of the time leading up to release day for the newest Baba Yaga novella, Wickedly Spirited (have I mentioned it is only $1.99?), so I thought I'd leave something here to entertain you.

And because I know some folks are sad that the novella isn't available in print (it's too short for the publishers to do that), I'm going to do a giveaway for a Kindle Fire 7 Tablet! And a cute kitty that looks a bit like Koshka, the Norwegian Forest cat who is featured in the novella.

Cute and fun!
As always, all you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form below, you can take credit for things you've already done (like following me on Twitter...you already do that, right?), and no purchase is necessary. Now, you all just talk among yourselves until I get back. Feel free to talk about me :-)

Coming soon to an eReader near you!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

A Visit to Animal Adventure Park and April the Giraffe

Things have been a little crazy here (what's new, I know) and I realized I never put up a blog post about my visit to Animal Adventure Park last month. Many of you might have followed along last February and March as much of the world watched April the giraffe's pregnancy progress, and the birth of little Tajiri. I certainly got caught up in it, in part because the park is practically in my friend Robin's back yard in Harpursville, NY, less than an hour from where I live.

It had been one of my goals to get to the park to meet April in person, and in August, pal Ellen and I made the trip, joining up with Robin, her daughter Sophie, and Sophie's friend Rosie. It was a blast. It is a small park, although expanding all the time, and it took us about two hours to get around the whole thing, including a chunk of time spent with April, Oliver, and little Taj (who was asleep during our visit, alas, so we could only peek at him). April really is just as sweet as she seemed with the keepers who take care of her, and Sophie and I both took turns letting her take carrots (the giraffes' favorite treat) from our mouths. Here are a few pictures from the day:

Me and April the Giraffe!

Sophie said April's tongue tickled her

More carrots please!

Little Taj!

Sophie, Rosie, me, Ellen, and April

Daddy Oliver

Look how tall!

Ellen made friends with the camels

Lots of different kinds of animals, not just giraffes

Can you tell I was happy to be there?
It was a terrific day, spent in terrific company, and I'm already looking forward to going back next year.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Wickedly Spirited Giveaway

I looked at the calendar and suddenly realized it is SEPTEMBER. (Seriously, how the heck did that happen?) And that means that the next Baba Yaga novella, Wickedly Spirited, is coming out in less than three weeks!

Wickedly Spirited is the story of Jazz, the teen who Bella met in WICKEDLY POWERFUL, the third novel. (You read that one, right?)
Jazz, the powerfully magical teen first introduced in Wickedly Powerful, is now being trained as a Baba Yaga—and she’s determined to free the Broken Riders herself.

Jazz had a rough life before meeting her guardian, and she knows she’s lucky that Bella is training her to be a Baba Yaga. But the gifted young witch is frustrated by the slow pace of her lessons. Jazz knows she’s capable of even greater magic, and she wants nothing more than to find a spell that will give the Riders back the immortality they lost.

With the reluctant assistance of Bella’s dragon-turned-cat Koshka, Jazz travels to the Otherworld to get the necessary ingredients to perform the spell. A willful young witch, dangerous magic, and one powerful wish—what could possibly go wrong?
I had so much fun writing Jazz's story--she is, as the title says, spirited, and a completely unconventional Baba Yaga in training. And the novella features Bella's Chudo Yudo, Koshka, the dragon who is disguised as a giant Norwegian Forest cat. So obviously, this giveaway had to include a stuffed cat. Plus a signed copy of WICKEDLY POWERFUL, in case for some bizarre reason you haven't read it yet. And a broom pen, just because.

So cute!

Magic the Cat approves.
As always, all you have to do to enter is fill in the Rafflecopter form (and you can take credit for following me on Twitter and things like that if you've already done them). Of course, I hope that you will order the novella, because, really, Magic likes to eat. But also, because this is probably the last Baba Yaga novella, so you know you want to. And as always, I really appreciate you spreading the word!

Wickedly Spirited on Amazon
Wickedly Spirited on B&N
Wickedly Spirited on Books a Million
Wickedly Spirited on iTunes
