Holy crap, it's snowing, people.
This is the first official blizzard in NY State since something like 1993, and apparently it is making up for lost time. They'd predicted 14-18" for my area (Delaware/Otsego Country) and I'd hoped they were wrong. Which they were, but in the opposite direction of what I'd had in mind. We're already at 16" at my house and it is still coming down like crazy, and not expected to stop until sometime tomorrow afternoon or evening. They have upped the expected snowfall total to "up to 30 inches." Can I just say, "NO, THANK YOU"?
This was at 10:30 this morning (it's about 1PM right now).
Outside the back door |
There's driveway under there somewhere |
Garden? What garden? |
Yes, that says 12" -- at 10:30 in the morning. |
Believe it or not, there is a driveway between those 2 rows of trees... |
So, I'm not going anywhere today. I'll be working on Veiled Menace (Veiled Magic #3) and revisions for the 365 Day book for Llewellyn, plus obsessively watching April the giraffe, who is going to give birth any minute now. [Anyone else watching her? Here's a fun fact--the animal park she lives in is about 45 minutes from me. I plan to go visit her and her baby this summer.] Plus, maybe napping with cats.
If you've got a snow day too, what are you planning to do? Read, maybe?
Because the snowstorm is making me a little stir-crazy, I'm going to do something a bit different. I'm having an impromptu Snow Day Sale! Just because I can. Here's the deal:
You can chose one or more of these options, and email me at magicmysticminerva at yahoo to tell me you want to take advantage of the sale. Free shipping is only for USA folks, I'm afraid, but I'll figure out some kind of a deal for those who are out of the country on a per person basis. (Payment will be through Paypal. It's easy.)
Tarot Option 1: (
A copy of the Everyday Witch tarot deck set limited edition signed by both me and illustrator Elisabeth Alba, along with one of her special tins to put the cards in. The double-signed edition would normally be $35 and the tin would be $15, but for today I will have these three sets for $40 plus $5 shipping (shipping would normally be about $7). These are going to go fast, so grab them if you want them.
Or you could get a set signed just by me (which normally sells for $30) for $25 plus $5 shipping. (Be sure to specify which option you want.) This would be Tarot Option 2.
Part Two of the sale is for paperbacks signed by me. This includes Wickedly Dangerous, Wickedly Powerful, Wickedly Wonderful, and Dangerously Charming. These books are normally $7.99 and you can choose either one book with free shipping, or buy one get one half price (no free shipping).
If you want one of the Llewellyn books, I'll take 25% off of a signed copy, since they all vary in price.
All books will come with a few goodies, like bookmarks, magnets, postcards, and whatever else I feel like tossing in at the time :-)
No, the cat is not included. |
The sale will continue as long as the snow does, which is expected to be late afternoon or evening on Wednesday the 15th, so if you want to take advantage of my storm-crazed brain, do it now! And be sure to spread the word...
Stay warm and safe, everyone who is in the path of this one.