Some of you might have seen me post something on Facebook or Twitter last Thursday about "sekrit plans" for the weekend. Now that I'm back, I'll share with you where I was and what I did.
I went to Connecticut, in fact, to visit my friend Terry and her husband Glenn. They used to live here in Oneonta, but moved to Connecticut about 18 years ago. They have been great about coming to visit me here at least once a year (either Terry on her own or both of them together), but it took me until now to get my act together to go visit them. And man, did we have a great time.
As you know (Bob), almost all of my traveling is writing/work related--Pagan and writing conferences, that sort of thing. This trip was a mini-vacation. Nothing but fun. (And maybe some research for future books.) I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I finally took one!
I took the bus to Albany Friday morning, and Terry drove out and picked me up there (about 2 hours from her house). We spent the evening hanging out and catching up, and then on Saturday, Terry and I headed to the ocean near Essex. We only got to hang out there for about an hour, because Terry is English/Irish and even with sunscreen, will burst into flame if she is in the sun any longer than that. (Yes, I think she is a vampire too. Shhh...) Still, an hour at the beach makes me VERY happy.
OCEAN!!!!! |
This is Terry. Say hi to Terry, everyone. |
This is my happy face. |
Then we drove to Old Lyme to meet up with Glenn at the
Florence Griswold Museum, where we had an amazing lunch at their cafe, and then spent a blissful couple of hours walking around looking at American Impressionist paintings and the cool old house and gardens.
This is Glenn. Say hi to Glenn, everyone. |
The view from our table outside...a lovely river. |
Lots of celebrating during this weekend :-) |
Yes, that IS a lobster BLT. |
The museum was small and charming. I highly recommend a visit, if you are ever in the area.
Pretty as a picture |
We decided this was a picture of us. Me on the left in the black, of course. |
Eventually we drove back to Terry and Glenn's house (about 2 1/2 hours...I spent a lot of time in the car, this trip, but it was worth it) and had a mellow evening of snacks, wine, and a movie. When it was time to go to bed, their cat Pippa kept me company for a bit. (Her sister would have nothing to do with me, alas.)
This is Pippa. Say hi to Pippa, everyone. |
And that was just Saturday! Wait until you see what we did on Sunday. Hopefully, I'll get that up tomorrow, since it was too much to fit into one blog!
Oh, and did you realize that as of today,
DANGEROUSLY CHARMING is going to be out in FIVE WEEKS?! Somebody should do some kind of giveaway soon, don't you think? Maybe next Tuesday, when we hit the four week mark. (Gulp.)
Tell me, do you ever take a mini-vacation or a long weekend away? If so, where do you go?