Did you realize that Wickedly Wonderful is coming out in less that three weeks? (Did you realize that December 2nd is less than three weeks away? Yikes!)
Obviously, that calls for a celebration. And, you know, a mad flurry of begging people to spread the word, preorder the book, and generally make me look good to my publisher Berkley, so they'll want to give me a contract for Book 3 in the series. But mostly, it calls for a HUGE giveaway!
So here it is.
So many great prizes! |
As usual, it is *just* possible that I may have gotten a little carried away. Snort. There is a great big tote bag with the Wickedly Wonderful cover on one side and the Wickedly Dangerous cover on the other. A Wickedly Wonderful mug, notebook, and mousepad, and a swag pack with the winner's choice of temporary tattoo packs (dragons or mermaids), plus bookmarks, postcards, and magnets. There is also a signed copy of Wickedly Dangerous, since I don't have my author copies of Wickedly Wonderful yet. If the person who wins the book already has the first one, he or she has the choice to wait for the 2nd one to show up on my doorstep.
Six great prizes, lots of chances to win. It's pretty simple (thank you, Rafflecopter!). You get one point for doing the basics--tweeting about the contest, liking me on Facebook, or following me on Twitter. A couple more points if you follow the blog here on the left or sign up to have the blog delivered to your inbox. Leaving a comment is worth three points and so is signing up to get my newsletter. You can post a
NEW review for another 5, but it has to be one you haven't posted previously (although you can copy and paste an earlier review into another place, like Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, your own blog, Facebook, etc. You can even Tweet a short review of the book). Of course, you don't have to buy anything, but if you do buy a copy of Wickedly Dangerous or preorder a copy of Wickedly Wonderful, that's a big ten points.
BUT, it has to be a new purchase, not one you made earlier. Hey, you can always get one for a friend for the holidays, right? Or buy one of my other books, that counts too. Even the ebook version of
Circle, Coven & Grove which is still only $2.99. [But hey, if you convince a friend to buy a copy, that can count too...]
Here are some handy links, in case you need them:
BERKLEY (where you can get links to all the other places)
You can also use the Amazon and B&N links to leave reviews, or use this link to
GOODREADS (where, frankly, I could use some nicer reviews to offset a few not very nice ones).
Mostly, you should just have fun! So tell me, have you read Wickedly Dangerous? Are you excited about Wickedly Wonderful coming out in THREE WEEKS?
a Rafflecopter giveaway