I've been doing this blog for a few years now, mostly as a way to reach out to and interact with those who read my books, and talk about the writer's life. It took me a while to really get into the swing of things, but this year, I think I hit my stride. Or rather, you all did.
The blog hit 50,000 page views not too long ago, which knocked my socks off. I can't believe that many people actually thought I had something interesting to say! I've got a bunch of great followers (I hope you'll be one too, if you're not already) and people seem to be starting to pass the word along, which is wonderful. And I've had all sorts of fun contests to give things away--including copies of my new book--with a truly enthusiastic response.
In short--damn, you guys ROCK!
You've made me really happy by coming here and sharing my world, whether you show up for the contests, to hear about my writing, or just to see the cute cat pictures. I wish I could give you each a big hug. But since I can't, I'm going to give one lucky person a $25 Amazon gift card. You can use it to buy yourself a copy of one of my books, or anything else your little heart desires.
Here's how it is going to work:
All you have to do is tell me what your favorite part of the blog is, or which was your favorite post, or anything else about why you come here. On December 31st, I'll end the year by pulling one random commenter's name to be the winner. And one lucky person will start out the new year right...with FREE BOOKS!
If you feel like it, you can do something nice for me: go click "Like" for one or more of my books (they're all conveniently listed on THIS POST ). I read somewhere recently that the "Like" button on Amazon makes a big difference...but only once you hit 50 Likes, which none of my books has yet. Or put up a review on Amazon, B&N or Goodreads.
But you don't have to. All you have to do is tell me what you like about my little blog, and you'll be entered into the contest. My way of saying THANK YOU for all your support, encouragement, and friendship this year.
Damn, you guys ROCK!
This is a Good Book Thursday, March 6, 2025
16 hours ago
Hi Deborah, I think what I love most about your blog, besides the fact it lets us all know what wonderful things you have in the works for us to look forward to, lol, is that it's so personal -- it always makes me feel like I'm part of your life on such a friendly level! It's so wonderful to read a blog that's written that way, making readers feel each of us is important and involved. It feels like a personal conversation, and that's just a pleasure!
ReplyDelete*blush* Thanks, Karen! What a lovely thing to say. That's what I aim for, but I sometimes worry I don't pull it off :-) Nice to hear that you think I do!
DeleteWhat I love about your blog is you :)
*blushes even harder* Right back atcha, babe!
DeleteI consider myself a writer, though my audience is a small one, usually consisting of yours truly. What I like about your blog is your emphasis on writing and also the way you describe building a living centered on the production of artisan crafts.
ReplyDeletegood morning! i have been following your blog for a while, now. I enjoy the conversational tone and the way that info is tucked and nipped into the dialogue.
I love it when you give us glimpses into your world -- the photos of the roof being fixed, the first snow, the cats at work and play, your writing corner - it really makes it personal and meaningful, instead of "just a writer's blog" that deals with the craft but not necessarily the heart. You really put your heart into your work, and then you share a little of that in your blog. Magic(k)! :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's great to be able to converse with a writer. Not only do you put up conversational, interesting, and enjoyable posts, but you are often responsive to our comments. That helps us to experience your writing style and your understanding of witchcraft more fully.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'll head over to Amazon and post a couple book reviews soon!
DeleteEchoing everyone before me!
ReplyDeleteAs for a favorite blog, so far I'd have to say the one you wrote recently about appreciating the winter season and the quieter energies and "slower times" that it brings.
...darn, I'm still new and I don't know how to navigate the site to go back and find it. It wasn't written here. You linked here to the article on another site that you'd written it for.
The thing I love most about your blog is hearing about when a new book is fixin to hit the shelves so I can go check it out &, hopefully, buy it. With that 25.00 gift card, I can add more of your books to my library of knowledge so that I'll know more & can then pass that knowledge onto others so that they'll also know more. With Wolf as one of my totems, it's one of my responsibilities to help others who are searching for answers. And, your books are a part of that important mission!! Keep up the GREAT work!! :)
ReplyDeleteP.S. It feels like I'm the only guy who reads & comments on your blog. Am I that unique??
I don't know! Hey--are there any other guys here? If so, speak up!
DeleteMy favorite thing about your blog is learning about your writing process. I also like it that we hear about the projects you're working on. I am so excited for the broomstick book!
ReplyDeleteI've been following you on facebook for a while really thought I was already following you here but I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't. Ah but alas I am now. As for what I like, you and the forthright approach you have to writing. Can't wait to dive in here and see what you have to offer.
ReplyDeleteLinda--better late than never :-) Welcome!
DeleteI found your blog through your Amazon page. What I love most about your writing, books and blog, is the way it makes me feel as if you're sitting at my table with me having coffee and cookies and just having a great talk. Also being a "Deborah" - I feel a sort of kinship with you. You've probably had to correct the 'Debra' spelling as many times as I have!
ReplyDeleteI think Koiwitch has hit the nail on the head. I love the conversational style of your blog; you're approachable, and your writing style is easily accessible to all. The other thing I like is that it's not about your ego. You are quite happy to talk about other writers for example. Also you're down to earth, and this is a huge asset as a lot of Pagan authors aren't. Basically your blog and your style of writing make me think of you as a friend, not just as an author whose work I admire. And I think that by having that link for me at least, it fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of your work:)
ReplyDeleteInsert more blushing here...
DeleteI was hoping to find out which direction to take the blog in next year, and what things to focus on. I wasn't expecting y'all to be so NICE! Now cut that out before I start crying.
Your blog is so helpful with your writing topics. Honestly though, my favorite posts are "Feline Fridays". Your "kitties" are so cute.
ReplyDeleteI like your blog because it shows that even talented writers, such as yourself, lead fairly ordinary lives outside of their writing. You share our worries and frustrations, and the same sorts of joyful events that the rest of us have. You illustrate to aspiring writers that it isn't abnormal to be sidetracked by everyday events, and you just have to keep making time to write. You are an inspiration! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! Not only is it beautiful and easy to navigate you of course have a lot of awesome posts :) I love to follow your writing and read the posts on tips. Off to like the books! Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteJen Wylie
jenniferw2mail at gmail.com
I really love seeing how down to earth and personable you are. As a Pagan and wanna-be writer myself, it always helps to see someone who's had success in the field. :)
ReplyDelete-Danny Grey
I enjoy seeing what a fellow writer is up to. And I like reading your books. I think it's awesome to see a fellow pagan be successful!
ReplyDeleteThe first post that I read on your blog was about your cats. I had recently added two kittens to my house that already had three adult cats. I immediately felt a feline kinship. It's always nice to find someone else that loves their kitties as much as my family does.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
I love that your blog is you. Just daily thoughts and ideas and cats and they all come through so beautifully.
ReplyDeleteI love that your blog is you. Funny & sweet & honest & kitty-loving.
ReplyDeleteThanks all for sharing! And the winner is....KAREN SZABO!!!!!