As some of you know, I have an ongoing column in the Witches & Pagans Magazine (next issue coming out soon, so if you don't have a subscription, run out and get one).
The magazine now has a new online blog site, called PaganSquare -- and my first blog post is up. I'm going to be blogging on the reoccurring theme of "Walking Your Talk." Go take a peek and come back here to tell me what you think. Is there anything in particular you'd like me to cover in future posts there, on ways to integrate your spiritual path with your (hectic and busy) everyday life? Inquiring minds want to know!
[You should also be able to find a link to subscribe to the magazine there, should you be interested.]
Coming soon...I have a surprise cover reveal for you. Do you want it tomorrow, or should I wait until Tuesday when the holiday weekend is over here in the US?
Here's your Friday Feline pics to get you through... And happy Blue Moon! Did you realize that there won't be another one until July of 2015?!
Angus being cute, as usual.
Magic the Cat. She's got an eye on you, so don't try to pull a fast one. (And no, technically she's NOT supposed to be on the table. And your point?)
Have a great Friday! And don't forget to tell me what you think of the blog post. I'm a little nervous people won't like it...
Working Wednesday 290 (Maybe)
2 hours ago