I am going to be giving an online class in October through the lowcountryrwa (you don't have to be a member of either the lowcountryrwa or rwa to take the class). It costly a measly $16, and is designed to help anyone who writes fiction (paranormal or fantasy) involving a Witch as a character.
Here is a description of the class and my qualifications:
October 2009 — The Real Witch: Witchcraft Basics for the Paranormal AuthorPresented by Deborah Blake
Dates: October 6-29
Deadline: October 4
Course Description:Have you ever wondered about the differences between historical witches and modern-day Wiccans? Are you curious about familiars? How do you create a witch character for fiction? Deborah Blake can answer these questions and many more with her class about witchcraft and creating a character practicing the magical arts. You will learn how to create witch characters for different genres including Chick Lit and Paranormal. You will learn how to create a witch with real strengths and weaknesses. You will learn the basics of Wicca and spell casting. You will learn some of the historical views on familiars. You will learn how to write scenes in which your character practices magic and how the character would create a spell. You may not be allowed to turn an agent into a toad, but you are allowed to create a great character for your book!
Instructor Bio:Deborah Blake is a Wiccan High Priestess who has led her own group, Blue Moon Circle, since 2004. She is the author of Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice (Llewellyn 2007), Everyday Witch A to Z: An Amusing, Inspiring & Inspirational Guide to the Wonderful World of Witchcraft (Llewellyn 2008) and The Goddess is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch (Llewellyn 2009). She took third prize in the Pagan Fiction Award contest and her short story “Dead and (Mostly) Gone” was published in the Anthology of Pagan Fiction: 13 Prize Winning Tales (2008). She is currently working on a novel featuring a Witch as a protagonist. Deborah lives in upstate New York in a 100 year old farmhouse, where her activities both magickal and mundane are supervised by her five cats.
If this sounds interesting to you, check it out and sign up at http://lowcountryrwa.com
I hope to see you there!
Working Wednesday 290 (Maybe)
5 hours ago