Monday, August 9, 2021

One Month Until The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows


I can't believe we're finally almost there. In less than a month, The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows will be out in the world. I'm so excited about this book, in part because it is my first hardcover (woot!) and in part because it is just so darned beautiful, thanks to Mickie Mueller's amazing cover and interior illustrations.

 So naturally, I had to do one last giveaway to celebrate.
I have one signed advance copy of the book along with a cool pen, and I'll also be giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate, so you can buy your own if you so desire. This way we can have two winners! Of course, once the book is out in the world, I'm hoping that everyone who gets a copy will feel like a winner...

Naturally, I'd love for you to preorder the book (publishers love authors with lots of preorders, in case you didn't know, so you'd be making me look good). Here are a few places you can order it from, but you can also ask your local indie bookstore or New Age store to get you a copy, or even request that your library order one.

Amazon |Amazon Print |Llewellyn|Nook |Booksamillion |Kobo

To enter, all you have to do is fill in the Rafflecopter form below. 


