Sunday, March 22, 2020

Lock Down Cheer Up Signed Book Giveaway

Here in New York State, as in much of the rest of the country, almost all of us are being asked to stay at home and away from other people as much as possible.

Friday afternoon I shut down my store, The Artisans' Guild, and I'm now hunkering down at home with Alicia my cat sitter, who had come up to take care of the cats while I was away on two trips--both now cancelled. She's here for the duration, and while it is a little strange to have someone in the house besides the cats, it is nice to have the company.

We have plenty of supplies, and I have lots of writing to do, but it is still...challenging, to say the least. Everyone I know is feeling kind of blue, so I thought I'd do a book giveaway, just for the heck of it. A shut down cheer up, as it were.

I'm going to give away the winner's choice of a signed copy of my new humorous paranormal romance, KING ME! or a signed ARC of my upcoming St. Martin's Press nonfiction release MODERN WITCHCRAFT, which will be out in July. As usual, all you have to do is fill in the Rafflecopter form below. If you'd like to spread the word, that would be great.

Hang in there, everyone!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Happy Spring Equinox

Happy Spring Equinox, all. I know things feel a bit grim right now, but hopefully spring will bring us all light and hope and potential for positive growth.

In the meanwhile, hang in there!

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Cancelling a Con

For months now, I have been looking forward to going to Paganicon in Minnesota. (Like, 6 or 8 months...a long time.) Llewellyn, the publishers of my nonfiction books and decks, are located nearby, so I was going to get to go to the Mother Ship at last, meet my editor Elysia's famous cats, and hang out with a bunch of my Pagan peeps.
Plus, of course, I was going to do my "Cat Magic" presentation, a ritual, and Llewellyn was going to have a "Meet the Everyday Witch" night in their party suite. I bought swag, people. Lots of adorable swag.
But then Coronavirus happened, and I had to make a tough decision. They're still holding the con, but I won't be there. I'm heartbroken, but it was going to mean traveling on four planes, through four airports, and being at a large (ish) convention. I've agonized over the decision for over a week, but I didn't feel that I could risk my health (almost 60 with asthma and other health issues) or that of the medically fragile folks in my close circle, of which there are a number.
So today I cancelled the plane, the hotel room, and my attendance. It felt like the socially responsible decision. There is no way to know if things would have been just fine, but with any luck, I will be able to attend at some future time. I'm still hoping that my book signing with Anne Bishop at Flights of Fantasy in Albany is still on for the 28th. That at least is a car ride away, and a relatively small venue.
Stay safe out there, people. I love my readers. 
