Monday, February 24, 2020

Modern Witchcraft ARC Giveaway

As most of you know, I have an exciting new book coming out in July from St. Martin’s Press. Modern Witchcraft: Goddess Empowerment for the Kick-Ass Woman is my first mainstream nonfiction book and I’m hoping that it will help an entirely new audience to discover my books. While also giving my wonderful tried and true readers another book to add to their list of favorites, of course.

I hope you’re all as excited as I am!

Naturally, I am going to celebrate with a giveaway, and because St. Martin’s Press was nice enough to send me a few Advanced Reader Copies (these are usually sent to reviewers well ahead of the book’s release, and therefore haven’t been through the final proofreader process yet—you can expect to find a few typos, and the back cover won’t look the same), I’m going to give away a signed ARC along with a few goodies.

That’s one of my fun witch’s broom pens, and a very cool hematite pyramid to help with grounding and healing.

As usual, all you have to do is fill out the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of the page.

I also wanted to give you some additional news, while we’re at it. I have something big coming next month, and the folks who are signed up for my newsletter (and open it, of course!) will hear about it first. Plus there will also be a SECOND ARC giveaway, for newsletter readers only. The next newsletter will be coming out sometime in March, so make sure you are signed up so you don’t miss out! You can sign up by following the link in the Rafflecopter form, or by filling out the one at the top left of this blog.

All sorts of fabulous things are coming up, including a couple of events I’m going to be at in March. Check out for information on Paganicon and let me know if you’re going to be there! (Hint: I might be bringing a couple of ARCs to that too…)

And thanks as always for your support!

