Happy Beltane to those of you who celebrate! (And happy May Day to all). I hope you get to dance and rejoice with the coming of spring.
I'm looking forward to going to a slightly belated celebration this Saturday, given by the Binghamton Pagan community about an hour away. I won't be able to stay for the ritual, which is fairly late at night, but my friend Ellen and I will at least be going for the Women's Mysteries and the Maypole dance. Then we'll head over to our Blue Moon Circle sister Robin's house nearby for dinner with her, her hubby, and my beloved goddesschildren Nate and Sophie.
The weather even looks like it might cooperate!
This is from one of the first Beltane celebrations we went to there way back in 2007. I can't believe that was 12 years ago! Or that, as of spring equinox this year Blue Moon Circle has been in existence--in one form or another--since 2004. How time flies when you are having magical fun...
I hope you have magical fun today and all days.
Working Wednesday 290 (Maybe)
6 hours ago