Thursday, July 28, 2016

Amber & Jet Jewelry

Those of you who follow me on Facebook have probably seen these already...

A couple of weeks ago, I posted pictures of a few new pieces of jewelry I'd made, one of which was an amber and jet necklace with a silver pentacle. To my surprise, people got very excited about that one (amber and jet is a traditional witchy combination) and no fewer than five people asked to buy it within a couple of hours of my putting up the pictures. So I made a few more pieces. And they sold too. (I was only putting the pictures up to show everyone what I was doing, and had intended to put them up on Etsy eventually. Needless to say, they never made it there.) So I made a few more, and they got snapped up too. Guess what I'm going to be doing this weekend?

Of course, my friend Kathy is visiting from Arizona, and Blue Moon Circle will be celebrating Lammas, plus, you know, WRITING. But I'll probably get at least a few more done and post pictures of them on Facebook too.

This was them. Which is your favorite?

amber and jet necklace #1

amber and jet necklace with chips #2

amber and jet necklace with fancy pentacle

amber and jet with sterling silver goddess

another one! chunkier

this one has a cool glass pendant

details of the pendant

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Less Than Three Months! (Dangerously Charming Giveaway)

Holy book release, Batman! I suddenly realized that DANGEROUSLY CHARMING, the first of the Rider books, is out in less than three months! *Kermit arm flail* October 4th will be here before we know it! Someone should start spreading the word, don't you think? Oh wait, that's me. And maybe you, if you want to help out. How about I make it easy for you with another fun giveaway? *nods sagely* I thought you'd like that.

Here you go:

A Dangerously Charming themed giveaway! That's a lot of cute.
This one includes a fun tote (to carry all your books to the beach in), a notebook, a postcard sized magnet (that's the one on the right) for your fridge, and a postcard and bookmark. That's a lot of Mikhail Day staring at you. Tough, isn't it...

Plus, there will be a BONUS prize...I'll be picking one random person who either pre-ordered the book or bought Wickedly Powerful or left a review for either WICKEDLY POWERFUL or WICKEDLY WONDERFUL 

That person will win one of the few ARCs (advanced reader copies) of the book I have to give away!

Advanced Reader Copies!!!! Booyah!
 As always, no purchase is necessary, and all you have to do is use the Rafflecopter form below. (If it, or the comments, don't work, try again.) Don't worry if you have already done something on the list, like followed the still get credit for that!

Thanks so much for all the enthusiasm everyone is showing for this book. Less than three months!!!
