It’s here! Sound the trumpets and send up the fireworks! My new book, The Goddess is in the Details: Wisdom for the Everyday Witch is finally out from Llewellyn and available at Amazon and your local bookstore. It has gotten rave advance reviews, which is very exciting. Notable Pagan authors Z. Budapest, Edain McCoy and Denise Dumars were kind enough to write blurbs for the book, too. Huzzah! I got the box of books I ordered the other day, and I have to tell you, there is very little in life that is more satisfying for an author than holding your “baby” in your hands for the first time.
Didn’t Llewellyn do a great job on the cover? Kudos to the artist, and to my two wonderful editors, Elysia Gallo and Becky Zins.
I am so excited, I am going to run a special “blog only” contest. Until the end of May, people will have the chance to post links to this announcement and/or to my website www.deborahblakehps.com and/or to the book on Amazon in as many places they can think of. The person who can send me proof that they’ve posted in the most places will win a free copy of the new book, signed by me. Just contact me through my website or this blog. If anyone manages to find over 50 places to post links (blogs, loops, facebook, twitter, myspace, etc), I will send them copies of ALL THREE of my books! So go out and spread the word!
And I hope you will find and enjoy the new book!