Got the call last night (happy Valentine's Day to me!) that I had won 1st in the contemporary series catagory of the West Houston RWA "EMILY" contest. It's my first "1st" (I have a couple of 2nds) so I am really tickled pink. In addition, I was told that the judging editor, Patience Smith of Silhouette, asked to see the full. Woot!
Of course, it is odd that I won in CS, since I am usually in the paranormal catagory [for some reason I entered both in this idea why...must have been that little voice in my head...and didn't final in the paranormal catagory). And my mss isn't really Silouette material, although you never know. I was aiming more at LUNA or MIRA. Still, just having the request makes me feel like I am on the right track and getting closer to my goal...
I hope everyone else had something wonderful happen this weekend :-)
Doing the happy dance,
Twist Of Time - A Review & Giveaway
10 hours ago