Thursday, August 15, 2019

Harry Dresden Turns Two!

I can't believe it, but today Harry Dresden turns two! (He is the only one of the new "kittens" I have the actual birth date for.) He is by far the quietest of the three young ones, but he is also the one who comes and snuggles with me in bed at night--not during nap time, though, when he sleeps at the bottom of the bed and the other two snuggle.

He was a rescue being fostered by someone for the Super Heroes in Ripped Jeans organization, the one I'm fostering kittens for right now. I went to visit him when I knew Magic and Mystic were close to the end, and I was looking for new cats to bring in after that happened. (I realize that some people need to wait longer, and I get that. In this case, I was going to be down to just Angus, who had never been an only cat, and my heart was so broken I knew I'd need new kitties right away.)

 The first thing he did was crawl into my coat. Then he hung around for a while as I chatted to his foster mom. There were a couple of other cats in the room, but they didn't pay any attention to me. As I was explaining to his foster, Kristin, that I had a couple of other kittens to look at the next day and while I was leaning toward taking him I couldn't be sure until then, he came over and fell asleep on  my lap.

Kristin looked at me and laughed. I laughed too, since I know that cats choose you. (And the next day, Koshka and Ember did just that.) I told her I couldn't pick him up until Magic and Mystic were gone, since they deserved all my attention right then, and she understood.

Not many days later, I went and picked him up. You can probably tell I'd been crying look like crap, but Harry Dresden saved me from being even more miserable. (I had to wait about 3 weeks to get the other two, because Ember hadn't been fixed yet.)

He's a damned good cat.

About 4 months old
So I thought I'd do a birthday celebration giveaway in his honor, for all the cat lovers among my readers and friends.

Check it out. A signed copy of The Little Book of Cat Magic, a cat candle holder (with candle, because that's the way I roll), a cute stuffed black cat, and a black cat bookmark.

As usual, no purchase is necessary, it is open internationally, and all you have to do to enter is use the Rafflecopter form below.

Happy birthday, Harry Dresden!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. There’s something special about a rescue - that unconditional love is like nothing else

  2. Let's see..Bazil is about 13 now, Oni is probably 9, not sure because we picked him up in a parking lot. Sheldon is around 7 years old, we found him in the parking lot of a Steak-n-shake. Chloe is around 3. We trapped and released her mom and got them both spayed. She is definitely my husbands cat. Penny is almost 2 years old and Ginger is probably getting close to a year old. Penny brought Ginger to our house because Chloe and Sheldon wouldn't play with her. Everyone is spayed or neutered.

  3. When the fur baby picks you, there is a connection that is impossible to describe. I can't have cats due to Hubby's allergies, but we've had dogs and even though I'm still a cat person, I've connected to a couple of these dogs in a way that I didn't know was possible.

    1. I really like dogs too, although I don't have any.

  4. Happy Birthda Harry! We have a cat, but we don't know how old he is. He just showed up back in November. He is so friendly so we call him Buddy and he answers to it. He is black with silver-white strands that are scaddered throughout it, but you can only see the white up close, they remind me of stars in the night sky. He is also vocal too. He tries to play with the dogs, but one is scared of him and the other just doesn't like cats, luckily the one that doesn't like cats is a small chihuahua.

    Tierra Robbins Email-

    1. Harry has those white hairs sprinkled through too! A friend calls them constellations.

  5. Happy Birthday Harry! We have 3 kitties at home a 5 yr old, 4 yr old and 1 yr old.

  6. It's wonderful when a cat comes to your home and heals your heart. We have a rescue - Luna - who is about a year and a half. She is the gentlest, sweetest thing. Then we have Ginger who is ten years old but still going strong.

  7. Happy birthday Harry Dresden! Our four kitties wish you a purrfect day!

  8. The brothers, Cinder and Crow are 7, CorMac is 6 1/2. All black boy cats. Happy Birthday Harry! May you get all the Nip!

  9. Sabian is about 14, Von is proably around 9 and Purrsphone's age is a mystery.

  10. My cat, like all my pets, was a stray. I believe she's around 13 years old. Happy & healthy. :)

  11. Happy Birthday Harry Dresden!


  12. Our cats ages range from 2 1/2 to 16.


  13. Happy birthday Harry Dresden!!!

    Kitty s 13 years old and is starting to slow down and enjoy snuggle time more as well as more naps.

  14. Ours are both adopted from people who couldn't keep them (the newest addition, her person had no business keeping a cat--didn't take good care of her), and both were born feral so we don't know exactly how old, but Skeeter (Lady Grumperton) is approx 12, and Chewie (Small Head) is about 2 and a half we think. It's funny, Chewie looks almost exactly like Skeeter did when she was young.

  15. HBD, mines a maine coon tabbyt mix adopted from shelter. Around 11 years old

  16. I have 4, all have been strays. Love at first sight.

  17. don't have cats, checked out Patreon

  18. Our cats range in age from 2 to 15 & they are all (more than 5 of them) rescues

  19. Happy Birthday, Harry Dresden!
    I have two shelter cats, Hamilton and Jefferson. They are three years old and they chose me. Jefferson just melted in my arms and once I got him home I found out he's really shy and careful who he trusts. Hamilton is the outgoing one and wants to get to know everyone.

  20. Oh, sweet post! Happy birthday, Harry Dresden! We have two beautiful kitties. One 9-year-old tabby and a 2-year-old calico. The tabby is quiet and well-behaved, and the calico is...well...let's just say 'enthusiastic' :) We love them both. And both were rescues. Wouldn't have it any other way!

    1. Calicos and tortoiseshells can definitely be a challenge!

  21. I have two cats currently. Belle is about 12 and Pocky is around 8. Belle was in a litter my son found under his apartment and was bottle raised. Pocky was found abandoned on a busy road by my youngest daughter.

  22. Such a beautiful kitty!

    I have 2 cats now, one is 16, the other is 6ish. One died earlier this year, he was 15 though.

  23. Hugs. Magic and her brother Mystic were both 15 when they died. (Well. Mystic made it to one day after their 16th birthday.)

  24. Happy birthday Harry! Our Furry Horde ranges from almost 4 months to 13 years

  25. Happy Birthday to Harry! I have two rescue cats. Emily is 16 years young. Lucy is 2 years old.

  26. I have 3 black cats (Hector, Achilles, & Airy), a B&W cat (Poe), and a couple of my current foster cats are black. I don't normally enter writers' give-aways, because I think the gifts should be for readers, not other writers.... but with my love of black cats, I couldn't resist this one!

  27. Happy Birthday,Harry! You chose a good cat mama! Now we get to watch you! You're such a cutie!

  28. By the way, my cat Cottontail is about 12 years old and Fatima is about 10 years old, although she might be a little older. Both rescues!

  29. When Maha Mudita passed she left such a void. We adopted Danu and Boudicca. Then a friend was desperate to find homes for her cat's kittens. So Raiju joined us as everyone's baby brother. Not long after that, a cat/goat-eating mountain lion-displaced trio ended up our place in the woods. So we opened our door to Ahava, Beeguld and Treeguld. I appears to have taken 6 to fill the hole that Maha left. So glad you found more love through rescue, sweets!!

    1. I understand completely! It would take a dozen cats (or more) to fill the void left behind by Magic and Mystic's passing. But no, I'm not getting that many :-)

  30. Oops, this had my old, dreadful name! Changed it!

  31. I have 3 cats. Amber is 10, Astrid is 4 & Ariel is 3.
