Thursday, August 29, 2019

Big Announcement and Oracle Deck Giveaway

OMG. There is so much going on here, I don't know where to start.

Okay, so first of all, as most of you already know, the Everyday Witch Oracle Deck is out from Llewellyn. It was supposed to come out on September 8th--yes, that's not for over a week--but was released about a month early. This caught me and illustrator Elisabeth Alba by surprise, but we're going to make up for it now.

When the Everyday Witch Tarot came out, Elisabeth made a road trip here from her home in Massachusetts. But she just gave birth to a baby in June (I KNOW! Congrats, Elisabeth!), so that wasn't possible this time. Instead, we each signed a dozen decks and sent them to each other, so we now have a dozen each that are signed by both of us. Most of those are going up on Etsy (Etsy listing) but I'm going to be giving away one double-signed copy here as well. In case math isn't your strong suit, that will leave me eleven on Etsy. LOL.

Each set will include the deck (signed by both of us), a special sticker we had made that features the back of the deck, a bookmark, and a postcard. The set I'm giving away here will also include some special surprise. What is it? I can't tell you--it's a SURPRISE.

So be sure to enter using the Rafflecopter form at the bottom of this post. As always, no purchase is necessary, although if you already have the deck, or win this copy, I'd really love it if you would post an honest review.

Here's a couple of the places you can get it. Amazon and Llewellyn. It is also available at B&N, any other online book seller, and you can request it from your local Indy book store if they don't happen to carry it.


I have news.

I just signed a contract with Llewellyn for a new book. TA DA!

Tentatively titled The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, it is going to be a fun and information-filled "everything you need to know" book for my witchy readers. It won't be out until 2021, probably (I haven't even started writing it yet), but I think you are going to like it.

Can you believe this is going to be my 13th nonfiction book? (My 12th with Llewellyn.) And that's not counting the books that come with the tarot deck and the oracle deck.

I hope you're all as excited as I am.

And now, the giveaway you're really excited about.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have the tarot deck and would love to add the oracle as well!

  2. Keeping fingers crossed for signed items. Super excited for another craft book!

  3. If I win this will be a special gift for someone.

  4. Is the surprise a kitten? I bet it's a kitten!

    Congrats on the new book, Deb!

  5. I love the tarot deck so much! I've been using it for every reading at Sacred Mists lately. Each reading has been "on-point" that is as much me as the deck. woot woot

  6. I'm so happy for you! It must feel good to do what you love!! ����

    1. Well, it is still a lot of work, but it is a good thing when you can work at what you like.

  7. Congrats on the new contract. And I don't have either one but would love one.

  8. Ooooh that's very exciting! I look forward to that!

  9. The deck looks beautiful! It speaks to me. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

  10. This is so exciting! My deck is on the way and I love both your fiction and non fiction books!

  11. Looking forward to the new book.

  12. I own the Tarot deck and I use it at least once a week. It's my favorite deck to use for general weekly readings. It is just so friendly and I love it so much. If I don't win the Oracle deck, I'll still be purchasing it, but winning it and having it signed would just be the BEST!

  13. I own the tarot, I own or rather I am owned by 2 Black Cats, a kitten and the oracle deck would be wonderful.........however I may get a beating from my 2 cats with a kitten

  14. don't have one, visited Patreon

  15. I don't have either deck though I'd love the Oracle one.


  16. I hopr i winn im ericka salgado

  17. I have and enjoy both the tarot and oracle decks. If I win this one I will be passing my purchased deck onto a friend.

  18. Yayyy congrats! I don’t have either decks but they’re lovely! 😊

  19. I do not have either decks, really would like to get one. I'm here in FL awaiting the hurricane, praying it misses us

    1. Stay safe! I have a friend who moved to Stuart two years ago, and she's really freaking out.

  20. I don't have either deck. Would really like to have the Oracle deck.

  21. I have the Tarot Deck and I LOVE it!!!! So. Excited. that you have come out with an Oracle Deck. Can't wait to (hopefully win) or purchase it!!!!

  22. I've been keeping an eye out for the Oracle deck (being a big fan of the Tarot deck already), so I'm thrilled to hear about the early release! I'd love to win it, and if not I'll definitely be buying it. And congratulations on the new contract--I love your books!

  23. I do have the "Everyday Witch Tarot", which I feel a strong connection to.💜 I would love to do a reading using the "Everyday Witch Oracle" cards in conjunction with "EveryDay Witch Tarot" to get a more in-depth understanding to my readings. Blessings

    1. They are designed to be able to be used together, if you so desire :-)

  24. The deck looks beautiful! I would love to win a copy! If I don't, I'll still get a copy someday, because it's on my list of decks that I definitely want, it'll just take a while longer. Congrats on the new contract! I love your books, both fiction and nonfiction (even despite romance not normally being my bag), and I can't wait to read more.

  25. I have the tarot deck and honestly have been crazy busy and forgot about the release of the oracle It will be a purchase very soon

  26. Your products are magical! The Everyday Witch Tarot is my favourite and my personal deck that I use for my own spiritual growth. I simply adore it. The oracle deck is on my wish list.

  27. Thanks so much for the chance. I have the tarot deck, signed, so this would be a wonderful completion!

  28. I don´t have them yet, but they are very high in my wish list. Thank you for other great giveaway, Deborah. Love you.

  29. Don't have them yet. Hoping I can get one of them over the holidays.

  30. Always loved to own an oracle deck and these are just lovely!
