Thursday, August 23, 2012

On Sisters and Celebrations

Believe it or not, this glamorous, gorgeous woman is my kid sister, Becky. Today is her birthday, and she is 40-something still younger than me. (Pardon the fuzzy picture, I stole it from Facebook.)

I am blessed to have two sisters who are smart, funny, beautiful, warm, wise, and talented. Also, they both beat me at Words with Friends on a regular basis.

Happy birthday, Becky. I hope the coming year brings you new and wonderful gifts to unwrap. You deserve them.

We're going to be celebrating around here, too. Sometime today or tomorrow, this blog should hit 40,000 views
Holy crap. 

I am so grateful for everyone who comes and shares this space with me. You all rock.

So let's celebrate in style. Tell me which book of mine you would like to have and why (in the comments here) and one commenter will win a free book of their choice. You have until midnight EST tomorrow (Friday the 24th). YAY!


  1. I am blessed to have all of your books! Circle, cove, and grove I use on a regular basis, it is so handy! The Goddess is in the Details is my favorite book to give as a gift (not just because you are my Mom, it is a great book)! Happy birthday Aunt Becky, that is a beautiful pic!

  2. Doesn't she look great?!!!!

    *blows kisses*

  3. Toni / Blonde BettyAugust 23, 2012 at 2:58 PM

    Yay! You made it over 40,000! congratulations!

    1. I'll bet it was a Betty who put me over :-) Thanks, ladies!

  4. I'd ask for a book but my brain is mush and I don't remember what I have. I I know I have The Goddess is in the Details and the A to Z book, but I have another you gave me and I cannot remember if it is Witchcraft on a Shoestring or not. I am exhausted and fat from my vacation (too much good, rich food, dammit!) and cannot remember anything!

    1. As long as you're having a good time! We'll put you down for "one of the books she doesn't have yet."

  5. Hello Deborah! Congrats on receiving over 40,000 blog hits! I have purchased The Goddess Is in the Details, as well one of your original pentacle necklaces. Next, I would pick Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice. I’ve loved my Solitary practice so far, but have felt that when the timing was *right* I’d work more closely with others. Well - my [biological and spiritual] sister and I are finally in a no-more-college/work balance that allows us to spend more time together. So, we’ve decided to practice and to study our craft with each other, to continue learning and growing. This book sounds great for our sisterly circle, and we would really benefit from the “part instruction manual, part personal journal, and part Book of Shadows.” Deborah, please consider me as your free gift recipient! ;) -Melissa

    1. What a great plea for the book giveaway! It's going to be hard for anyone else to beat this one :-)

  6. Happy Birthday to your beautiful sister. And congratulations to you - 40,000 views is ALOT.
    The book I want is the fiction novel you are currently writing - hehehe!

  7. Hi Deborah, Happy Birthday to your sister, Becky! My sister, Melissa, just commented a couple minutes ago. Please consider sending Melissa the book she requested - Circle, Coven & Grove: A Year of Magickal Practice - so that we may read it together. We really anticipate learning about how to practice together respectively and effectively. I am looking forward to the personal journal aspect of your book as I deepen my spirituality. Thank you and have a wonderful night. - Heather

  8. Many congrats Deborah on the 40K views - awesome! And happy birthday to your sister :)
    I'd love to own any of your books to help my writing, which has a coven as a major part of the series I'm working on just now. Perhaps Circle, Coven and Grove? Or another if you think it would be more appropriate.
    Cheers, and thanks for the opportunity,
    The other Deborah!

    1. Hi Other Deborah!

      I hope the witchy series is going well!

  9. Congratulations on the 40,000 views! Happy Birthday, Becky!

    I have been wishing for the Witchcraft on a Shoestring book to show up at my local bookstore. Good grief, it's never there.

    1. You should ask them to get it in for you. Almost all bookstores will special order something if a customer wants it :-)

  10. Hi, Deborah. Congratulations on surpassing 40,000 blog hits!!
    I feel that it was very nice of you to publicly recognize your sister on a special occasion such as her birthday.
    I have your Goddess Is In The Details & your first Everyday Witch A to Z, so I would like to receive Everyday Witch A to Z Spellbook: Wonderfully Witchy Blessings, Charms & Spells to work on completing the series. I do hope I am chosen to receive it.
    Keep up the great work & I hope all is well with you & yours.

    1. I'm so glad you're enjoying to books! The Spellbook is a lot of fun...and wait until the ritual book comes out in October!

  11. Congratulations on 40,000 hits! And happy birthday to your sister; clearly, beauty runs in the family! I already have your books, but I'd like to cast my vote in for Melissa and Heather to receive it, in the spirit of their wonderful sisterly relationship as you celebrate your own sister today. :o)

    1. I usually do a random drawing, but I was kind of thinking the same thing... :-)

  12. The winner is Melissa! (Heather's sister) Email me with you addy at magicmysticminerva at yahoo! and I will happily send you and your sister a copy of Circle, Coven & Grove to share!

  13. Yay! Sounds great - We look forward to reading the book. Thank You! :)
