Friday, August 24, 2012

Feline Friday

We did it! The blog is now over 40,000 page views AND I've gotten a few new followers, which is fabulous. Thanks to everyone who helped!

And a quick reminder: you only have until 6 PM EST on Sunday to sign up for Witchcraft on a Shoestring Class

Now, to the kitty pics!
Mystic is exhausted from so much lounging around. (That's a catnip pillow he's sleeping on, made by a woman at the shop I run.)
 Magic and Mystic look like they're getting a little annoyed at me always taking pictures of them. Maybe I should stop?
Mama Minerva giving look-alike Mystic a bath. She's always been the most amazing mother cat.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Anyone have exciting plans? (I'm going to be putting up tomatoes...)


  1. Don't stop with the pics. I'm really enjoying them. I like the names of your cats.
    I love home canned tomatoes. I recently made salsa which I also love to do because I can leave out the onions and it tastes delish!

    1. I used to can, but it is so much work that I finally gave it up and freeze instead (I have an extra freezer in my mudroom, so I can get away with that.)

      Still lots of work though...

  2. They'e all so cute! I miss my cats!!

    1. Aw, no cats now? That IS sad. I'll happily share mine :-)
