Monday, August 9, 2021

One Month Until The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows


I can't believe we're finally almost there. In less than a month, The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows will be out in the world. I'm so excited about this book, in part because it is my first hardcover (woot!) and in part because it is just so darned beautiful, thanks to Mickie Mueller's amazing cover and interior illustrations.

 So naturally, I had to do one last giveaway to celebrate.
I have one signed advance copy of the book along with a cool pen, and I'll also be giving away a $25 Amazon gift certificate, so you can buy your own if you so desire. This way we can have two winners! Of course, once the book is out in the world, I'm hoping that everyone who gets a copy will feel like a winner...

Naturally, I'd love for you to preorder the book (publishers love authors with lots of preorders, in case you didn't know, so you'd be making me look good). Here are a few places you can order it from, but you can also ask your local indie bookstore or New Age store to get you a copy, or even request that your library order one.

Amazon |Amazon Print |Llewellyn|Nook |Booksamillion |Kobo

To enter, all you have to do is fill in the Rafflecopter form below. 


a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. I consider myself a practicing witch, though a fairly new one!

    Congratulations on the book. It is absolutely gorgeous and I can't wait to read it (I'll be ordering whether I win one or not!)

  2. Both practicing & eternally curious. Cannot wait to read your new book!

  3. Visited patreon! I saw very interested in witchy things as a preteen and teen and then strayed until I turned 30. I’ve been a practicing witch for almost 3 years now. I’m extremely excited for your new book! The hardcover is GORGEOUS

  4. Practicing witch since 1995! :)

  5. Love the concept behind this book! Will definitely add to my must have list!

  6. I consider myself a practicing Witch, and I am so looking forward to this book. Congratulations on another book birthday! :) x

  7. I'm a very casually practicing witch..very. I read, I think, I run rituals in my brain, but haven't yet practiced IRL.

  8. curious, visited Patreon

  9. I actually pre-ordered this book and I can't wait to get!!

  10. I have it in my wishlist on Amazon. Can't wait to read it.

  11. I am practicing sporadically and am inspired to practice practicing more consistently, weaving witchy threads into all areas and moments of my life.

  12. Also, love your Patreon offerings!

  13. No I am not a practicing witch in the sense of the word. I would like to feel that I can practice openly but just never feel comfortable enough to do so. The book looks really good., Love the cover design.

  14. Practicing as I can. I talk to Them. I recognize the cycles and the seasons. Patreon and I have split up. Again. This time it’s for good. :)

  15. I am curious about it but am not a practicing witch. Congrats on your upcoming book! I am a member of Patreon as well.

  16. I visited Patreon. Very interesting as I never knew this page existed. I love your book cover.

    1. Well, I confess, I don't do much to promote it.

  17. I don't know that much about witch craft. Is it evil?

    1. Of course it isn't. I wouldn't do it if it was. Why are you interested in the book if you think Witchcraft might be evil?

  18. I shared on Twitter /

  19. I shared on Facebook /

  20. Definitely a practicing witch! I’ve been studying witchcraft since Teen Witch was out what feels like a hundred years ago😂 I have many of your books and was so excited to hear this one was in the works and it does look absolutely stunning with mickies artwork throughout! 😍 I’m so so excited and would LOVE a signed copy, but I do have one preordered so regardless.. I’m not missing out! 💕

  21. Excited to read your new book.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Sorry I forgot to give my profile a name and and reposting as unknown seems so unfriendly. I have been flirting with Witchcraft most of my life, but am finally getting serious about it, as it calls to me so often. I am really looking forward to your new book! I feel I can learn so much from it.

  24. Visited your Paetron and followed on Instagram and Twitter.

  25. Bonjour, merci pour ce merveilleux concours. Je serais tellement heureuse de gagner votre livre The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows, et signé en plus. Il est très beau et j' aimerais le découvrir.
    Je vous suis sur Instagram sous le pseudo @maindubouddha.
    Je vous souhaite une belle journée et envoies plein de caresses à vos chats si mignons.❤

    1. Merci beaucoup de ma part et des chats !

    2. Avec plaisir,merci, cela me fait chaud au cœur ! Sandrine @maindubouddha

  26. Excited to see a new book honoring the eclectic. I love the stepping away from strict dogma but the growing into wise and respectful choices. Congrats on the new book and blessed be!

    1. My own practice has grown more eclectic over the years, so I'm just writing from my own experience, as usual. I think Witches should practice in whichever way works for them.

  27. Thank you for doing another giveaway!!! So excited for this book! It looks gorgeous!

  28. Pagan for sure, wanting to make more time to practice spell work.

  29. Congratulations on your book! I consider myself as a practicing witch and always curious to explore, been into reading books lately to help with my practice and insights

  30. Excited for your new book, practicing Pagan witch here!

  31. Always excited for a new book can never have enough books!

  32. I’ve considered myself a witch for years, but I’ve only done a protection spell jar. I’ve been reading for years about things though, and I feel like that has to count since you can’t start without researching!

    Congratulations on the new book, it looks beautiful! I can’t wait to read it!!

  33. Pagan. Been practicing for a few years. The cover of this book is so beautiful

  34. I’ve been practicing for decades and love learning something bee or seeing another perspective on the Craft. Excited to read this new work. BB

  35. Thank you for the giveway !
    I actually don't really know how to consider myself, eclectic might be the best way to describe it because I love to take some bits here and there - and I don't like rules. I know that I am a witch but I don't feel really confortable doing spells right now, I want to learn a lot of stuff before !

  36. I love your cat photos on Twitter. Also, very happy that Mickie M is your illustrator. You put out a lot of good energy and I would enjoy learning from your book of shadows. :-) I'm already eclectic with a pinch or more of eccentricity, so I love that title, too.

  37. I consider myself a book witch <3 I recommend books to friends in need and live with two cats.

  38. I do consider myself a witch, though i don’t practice as much as I would like! I’m always looking for ways to practice in a small way day to day though! And I love reading books in the subject so u can’t wait to get this book! :)

    1. I don't think most of us practice as much as we'd like. Especially this last year.

  39. New practicing witch. I love your Everyday Witch tarot cards. Looking forward to reading your book.

  40. I love your work. I started w your tarot deck w Elisabeth Alba but also enjoy your fiction. I would love to read The Eclectic Witch's Book of Shadows.
