Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween and a Blessed Samhain

Wishing you all a very happy Halloween, and a blessed Samhain to those who celebrate.

May your day be just the right amount of spooky, with more treats than tricks. And if you're lucky, a black cat to cross your path.

Here's a glimpse at my holiday.

The ritual altar set up from last Saturday

One of these things doesn't belong on the table...

Harry Dresden and his first pumpkin

My remembrance altar
This was a bittersweet holiday for me, with so many losses in the year. I have never had a remembrance altar with so many pictures. Magic the Cat and her brother Mystic. My friend (and my stepdaughter's mom) Jo. My friend Alex's son Charlie. And my friend Bethany earlier this month. It was a tough one. But the year has also been filled with blessings...and all of you are among them.

Thank you for taking this journey with me. I hope your day is magical!


  1. Unfortunately, losses sometimes multiple leaving the survivor to limp along until s(he) finds a different way to live. How precious are memories but also bittersweet and even therapeutic! A remembrance alter or memory table/corner is a lovely way to honor the passing of your loved ones and keep them close to you. It also looks like a celebration for your cats with their first pumpkins. Hugs and more hugs to you today and always.....

  2. It has been a rough year. I lost a friend in March, an aunt in June and my "sister-in-law" last week. Take comfort in the knowledge that those who love us are never really gone as long as we remember them. HUGS.

