Tuesday, September 18, 2018

3 weeks to The Little Book of Cat Magic Giveaway

*looks at calendar* *does double take* WHAT?

Holy crap! How is it the middle of September? I meant to do a post at the beginning of the month, reminding everyone that The Little Book of Cat Magic was going to be out in a month. Except, well, I went out of town, and things got away from me, and now we're THREE WEEKS AWAY! (Insert Kermit flail here.) October 8th is right around the corner.

So Harry Dresden and I put our heads together and came up with a fun cat-themed giveaway full of goodies.

No, the cat is not included. Why do you keep asking me?
There's a cute stuffed cat (the paws come in various colors), three different bookmarks, a witch's broom pen, a cat rubber ducky (would that make it a rubber catty?) and a cool Siamese cat candle holder.

To make up for missing the one month mark, I'm actually going to give away TWO sets of these--one here, and one on my Deborah Blake Author Page on Facebook. So feel free to enter in either place, or both. I have a few more cool things planned for the weeks ahead, because man, I'm SO excited about this book! I hope you are too. (I know Harry doesn't look excited, but really he is.)

As always, no purchase is necessary (although I'd love it if you'd preorder the book, of course) and all you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Yes, you get credit for things you've already done, like signing up for my newsletter, or following me on Twitter. Extra karma points for spreading the word!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a fun kitty giveaway with Harry Dresden reigning over the goodies. In reference to the question, I would request healing because it's always heartbreaking when a beloved kitty declines.

    1. That is a hard one. (Yes, there is a healing spell in the book.)

  2. I have one cat that refuses to stay inside so I do protection spells on him!

    1. I've got a protection spell for outside cats!

    2. I do have an in/out cat who senses when I do a phone tarot reading and lays patiently wItiwai by my work/altar space. So funny!

  3. Protection and well being for my family

  4. Protection spell or one to ward off spiders in the house :-)

  5. Since I don't have a cat, perhaps I'd do a spell to find one, actually I'd do a spell to help find my friend's missing cat.

    1. There is actually a spell to find a new cat. I hope your friend's kitty comes home.

  6. I'd do a spell so I'm not allergic to cats!

  7. Wish I could cast a spell that would really make my cat not throw up or eat too fast, he always has these problems

    1. That's a tough one. One of my circle members has cats who do this, and she got a special feeding bowl that has knobs or protrusions coming up that they have to slow down to eat around.

  8. Poor old dog. There is a healing spell, though.

  9. I always look forward to your books and have them all!


    1. I would want a spell to keep them from clawing the furniture lol.


  10. A spell to make the nails not so sharp so they dont do so much damage scratching everything LOL

    1. Ha! How about a spell to make them sit still so you can clip their nails?

  11. It would be neat to be able to talk to them so you could let them know they're ok when you're taking them to the vet.

  12. Black cats are the best cats! (But all of the other cats are the best cats too.)

  13. I always ask the Goddess to protect the two outdoor cats I take care of. :)

  14. My cat, Captain Whinypants, who is a proud (and very vocal) black cat approves of this message. :-) Good luck with the launch, and yes I'd love a copy!

  15. I would want a spell to always be healthy and protected

  16. I would like him to be happy and healthy forever

  17. Goodness, to go back in time maybe?
