Saturday, February 3, 2018

Kitty Celebration of Life Giveaway

As most of you know, I lost my beloved companion Magic the Cat,Queen of the Universe, on January 3rd, one month ago today. And then her brother Mystic nine days later. I can't believe it has been a month, and I still miss them terribly. But I don't just want to focus on mourning.



The truth is, there is much to celebrate too. I had them for almost 16 years (I got them as kittens, and it would have been 16 years this March). They were both amazing cats, loving and sweet, and Magic and I had a relationship that was deeper than I have had with most people--something truly special. She was a part of my magic and my writing career, as well as my constant companion.

And while I lost them both to cancer (2 different kinds), they both hung on longer than could have been reasonably expected, especially in  Magic's case, when we first discovered her cancer when one of the cystic tumors burst and almost killed her. Getting over two months with her after that was nothing short of miraculous, and my vet still can't explain why the tumors kept growing without bursting and killing her. I can. She was magic. (And stubborn as hell.)

I am also incredibly grateful for all of the support I got from my readers, fans, and friends during the terrible months when I was losing them, and in my grief after. Not just the financial support from the folks who signed up for my Patreon (THANK YOU!) although that was so helpful in defraying the costs of keeping them alive and comfortable for as long as I did, but also all those who sent messages of comfort and sympathy. I appreciated it more than you could know.

When my grandmother died at almost 100 (7 years ago this Valentine's Day), she didn't want a funeral. That was all about death. She wanted a Celebration of Life, where people gathered together to celebrate those 100 years.

So I'm having a Celebration of Life for my beloved kittens, and saying thank you to all of you at the same time by giving away a fun pack of goodies: cat themed dish towels, pot holder, and wine glass markers, a "Crazy Cat Lady" kit, and a copy of my latest book, A Year and a Day of Everyday Witchcraft plus a cover flat of the book, since it has a black kitty on the front. One last goody is especially close to my heart--a small glass necklace with a black kitty on it that looks just like Magic in her trademark pose.


glass markers

Look, it's Magic!
As usual, all you have to do to enter is fill out the Rafflecopter form. And you get credit for anything you've already done, like signing up for my newsletter. (You're going to want to do that one if you haven't yet, because there is a BIG announcement coming, and my newsletter and Patreon peeps will hear about it first!)

Thanks again for helping me grieve and now, to celebrate the lives that were so important to me. You all rock.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. We lost our dog on the same day you lost Magic, and a kitty (Molly) in October. I understand your pain...they leave a hole in the world where they used to be. Hugs to you! <3

    1. We're sorry twins :-(
      I'm so sorry for your losses.

  2. Over 6 years I had to have my beloved honey-faced angel, Dieter, put to sleep (hips had completely disintegrated). I still can’t speak of him w/out bursting into tears. *hugs* & *hugs*

  3. We lost Sam our one and only dog after 12 years. It only happened this past May, and though there are some smiles with the memories - there are still more tears. I'm finding this winter rough as it was "our" time. We loved to go for walks at the park.

    1. Hugs. They do leave big holes behind them when they go.

  4. I really do feel your pain we lost Prince Bobby right at Thanksgiving. He was a rescue baby that had a bad start. He went outside to never return. One of my daughter's said she saw him, but he never came home.

    1. I'm so sorry, Carrie. It's especially hard when you don't know what happened to them. One of the reasons I finally switched to having indoor cats is because I had one too many who never came home. Hugs.

  5. So glad you're focusing on your appreciation and love for Magic and Mystic! What a lovely way to honor them!

    1. I spent much of the time of their illnesses trying to be grateful for what I had instead of mourning the loss to come. It has been tougher in the last month, but I'm working on it.

    2. It's a hard journey because love encompasses loss. When our pets pass, it ushers in a new era for those left behind. May this new era bring us both happiness.

  6. In answer to the question, yes, I've lost lots of beloved cats. It's always hard saying goodby, but it helps to focus on the blessings of having had them in my life. That's what I'm trying to do now that I lost famous Peaches. I had him euthanized on 2/23. His passing leaves a huge emptiness but I am so grateful to have had him for 11.5 years!

    1. Hugs. It is so hard to let them go, but they are such a blessing while we have them.

    2. Thank you, Deborah! Certainly, our fur friends leave paw prints on our hearts....

  7. I've lost many beloved pets. The most recent was my orange tabby who died a year and a half ago. She was 14 years old and the sweetest softest cat I've ever had. I still miss her every day.

    1. Magic was always kitten soft. It was one of the things I loved about her. So was little Samhain, the calico I lost 3 years ago. Hugs.

  8. I lost my special kitty quite a few years ago. I raised her from when she was three days old. She died in the vet's office as she was getting tested for thyroid issues. I wasn't there when she was born and I wasn't there when she died. But she did visit me afterwards to say goodbye.

    1. Oh, that's so sad. I'm glad she came to visit you. Magic has been very present since she died, and I'm pretty sure Mystic is still around too.

  9. I can understand the hurt and the hole it leaves when you lose a fubaby. My boy blessed my life for 19 yrs before he asked to be released from that life we shared. It's been over a yr and I can still feel the hole in my heart. I have a strong feeling that the stray that has adopted us was sent by my boy Squeaker( he never meowed he only squeaked :) ) I call the stray Sir Galavant since he comes and goes as he wants. I'm keeping my heart open for a new kitty to come and fill the hole in a new way.

    1. I asked Magic, as we were saying our goodbyes in her last few days, to send me the right next kittens. I'm hoping she has. Hugs for your loss of Squeaker and I hope that Sir Galavant decides to stay.

  10. Yes have lost many pets cats and dogs , They become family and are always heart breaking to loss .

  11. When I was a child, we lost a cat to feline leukemia. I was very young, so I did not understand why the cat did not come home from the vet. I missed having him sleep with me at night. Enjoy your new cat family members.

    1. I miss having my babies sleep with me too. Angus and Harry Dresden don't, and I'm having a hard time sleeping without a cat on the bed. I'm hoping the new additions will.

  12. I have had cats since I was a child and my dad brought home a Russian Blue that was being given away. I guess I'm already a crazy cat lady since we are currently at 5 (down from 6 when we had to have the one my nephew left here put to sleep FLV) Every one of them hurts when they leave us, no matter the reason.
    My current old man, Tazar, looks just like Mystic.

    1. You have a kitty that looks like Mystic! How cool is that? And yes, I had to go get more cats right away, so they wouldn't kick me out of the Crazy Cat Lady union :-)

  13. We had to put our female Chin down a few years ago....she would have terrible coughing spells if she exerted herself at all. This last time the vet had given her a shot and pills for at home. She fought us so giving her the pills in any form that she kept making her condition worse and us miserable fighting with her so we made the decision. I held her in my arms while the doctor gave her the needle and kept petting her until her heart stopped. One of the saddest days in my life. But we had her since a puppy for 11 years and I know she had a wonderfully spoiled life, adored by us and our other two male Chins.

    1. Sometimes you have to make the tough decisions, but it sounds like you did what was kindest for your baby. I know how hard that is. Hugs.

  14. I don't know what I would do without my cat, Badger, so I totally understand how you are feeling. Thanks for this giveaway but I started coming to your blog because of your books!

    1. The non-fiction witchcraft ones or the paranormal romance? (Just curious.)

  15. We lost both of our amazing little leopard geckos, Maya and Lilith. They were our first geckos, and they're honestly like cats put in the body of a scaly little reptile. We still have Anubis, Osiris, Isis, And Horus (crested geckos), and Chell, Nyx, and Eos (gargoyle geckos) but our little family has always felt a little incomplete since Maya and Lilith passed away. The vet thought that since we got them from the same breeder, and that leopard geckos are bred for their patterns, that they both got sick with the same thing. The breeding causes health problems.

    1. I love lizards, but I've never met a gecko. I had no idea people kept them as pets. Big hugs for the loss of Maya and Lilith.

  16. I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our much loved dog, Allie to cancer almost two years ago. It is very hard to lose a pet who is a member of your family. We still miss her.

  17. SkitterBug was my beloved big black house panther and dragon in disguise. Also very much a one human cat, no others need to come near. He faithfully got me thru major health diagnoses, all the illnesses before, my dad's hospice, death of a fiancé on his Ducati and so much more, especially many a ritual and tarot reading. It takes three black boy cats to fill the caretaking and tasks Bug created as a familiar.

    1. Magic was like that for me. I suspect it will take at least three cats to take her place... She was definitely my comfort kitty.

  18. I’ve lost many pets in my life because I’ve always had cats and dogs. Usually multiples of both. The most heartbreaking kitty was Trudie, a DLH orange tabby. We rescued her from a friend who took in a pregnant stray. She was the best cat we ever had and an excellent mouser! She slept in the bed with us and our three dogs. We had her for 16 years. One day she was here and the next she was gone. That was four years ago and I still miss her.

    1. Hugs. 16 years is a long makes it hard to get used to not having them around.

  19. I lost my beloved Pyewacket almost 2 years ago. She was with me for 18 years and was my familiar. I still see her from time to time out of the corner of my eye. Not a day goes by that I don't miss her. My maine coon, Freya, just a little over a year old is trying to learn the familiar job, and I feel we were meant to be together. But, I will fovever be attached to Pye....until we meet again. (Marti)

    1. Magic was my first and only familiar. I'm hoping that one of the new cats will turn out to be a familiar too, but it definitely isn't Harry Dresden :-)

  20. I've lost many but the one I felt the most was my beloved Basenji. She crossed the bridge last year and I still see/feel her. And grieve. Oh I grieve. I work on rejoicing for the time we had, but this one's been the hardest of all.

  21. I lost my furry soul mate Ginger in September. It was the worst grief I have ever experienced. She was 16 years old. 14 of those years I had her by my side. The first 2 I don't know where she was or who had her but one day she appeared at my mom's house (next door to mine), she followed me home and walked right in. She found me. She was the most lovable cat I have ever known. A true lap cuddle kitty. I miss her cuddles every day.

    1. I'm so sorry, Roxanne. The soul mates are the toughest ones to lose. The only grief I've felt worse than this was when I lost the love of my life at 22. Magic was my only lap cat of the bunch (her mom Minerva would sit on my lap sometimes, before I lost her 2 years ago). Hugs.

  22. Three weeks ago, we lost our sweet Aussie Skip. He developed pericardial effusion and deteriorated very rapidly. By Saturday morning he could neither eat nor drink and it was clearly time.
    Skip loved to play ball. He created his own game and would come fetch you to play with him whenever he wanted a round. He'd even play soccer with the ball, kicking it back to you.
    Skip was quite mellow for an Aussie. He lived happily with his bossy Aussie big sister and his equally bossy cocker spaniel sister. He did have his limits, though. Mom showed him in agility for several years and one day he decided he was done and refused to run again. Mom figured trying to make him go was a bad idea, so Skip happily retired.
    He was very much my dad's dog. Mom said he was the only dog she knew with a 79-year-old boy.
    Skip would go in to wake my dad when the alarm went off by rubbing up against the side of the bed and whimpering quietly until dad gave him a pat.
    Skip was our darling teddy bear doggie and I miss his smiling face.

    1. Skip sounds very special. And it sounds like you lost him around the time I lost Magic's brother Mystic. Big hugs and lots of love.

  23. I had a 9 month old kitten pass away in my arms, she had bone cancer, so tragi as she was a delightful little thing. My oldest car is now 17, I've had her all her life and I dread anye happening to her. So sorry about your beautiful babies

    1. Nine months...that's just awful.I know what you mean about your older cat. The last few years I kept looking at Magic and saying, "You have to live forever." She couldn't, of course.

  24. I don't know if I told you the story of when our Barley died. He was a yellow lab, sweet and lovable and incredibly tolerant with young children, which we had at that time. He was 2 when Rachel was born and 5 when Josh was born so they grew up with him. He was 14 when it became apparent that it was the end. I thought long and hard about it and talked to the kids about what would happen at the vet's and did they want to come. Both of them did. And our vet was so incredibly kind. She explained carefully to them how his body was failing and how the anesthesia would work and how his body would react and what we all could expect. We all sat on the floor with Barley, petting him and loving on him, and she gave him the injection and he just put his head down on Josh and went to sleep and then was gone. They let us stay with him as long as we wanted and then we went home and cried together. The things I remember most about it was the kindness of the vet, making it understandable and not scary or awful for us all, and the love that we all had for him and for each other. Love brings such joy and it also brings pain, but I believe that the pain is always worth the blessings that the love gives and that the joy is so much more than the pain. May your grief subside and may the joy of knowing and loving Magic and Mystic live within you forever.

    1. I hadn't heard this story. It's lovely. A good vet is a pearl without price. Mine was wonderful, both during the treatment process and when I had to bring Magic and Mystic in on their final days. All the techs and support staff are wonderful too. (Most of them know my kitties well.)Knowing that my vet would be kind and gentle was the only thing that got me through this.

  25. It always hurts to lose an animal but just think that they're waiting for you, just over the Rainbow Bridge in the prime of their lives and you'll get to see them again.

  26. I lost my familiar, Whisper, in 2015. She was a small black kitty and was quiet & shy until ritual time... then she was chatty & friendly like she was running the show! (Okay, so she WAS running the show) I still have a great kitty and a wonderful dog, too~ but they are not magical as Whisper was. She came to find me & I believe whenever I’m supposed to be granted another familiar, they’ll show up in similar fashion. So, until then, I wait for the whisper of Whisper:)

    1. The little black ones are so special, aren't they? I hope your new familiar finds you too. And mine...

  27. The unconditional love of a words can describe the pain of such a loss. Know that that love continues to surround you and is confirmed each time you find that random toy under the sofa/bed etc. Each time you see the wisp of your beloved from the corner of your eye. Or hear the faint meow coming from your heart.

  28. In 2015 I had to put my beloved black cat to sleep, he was only a year and a half old but had a congenital problem. It literally broke my heart, for a good year after, I would think I saw him out of the corner of my eye, etc. I have been following you for awhile and when I saw that your cats had passed I could immediately sympathize. Thank you for sharing with us!

    1. Thank you (and everyone else) for sharing too. A year and a half is definitely too young. My heart weeps for you.

  29. I am so sorry for your loss... and fully understand. Back in September, we lost our Precious who had been with us for 15+ years and was truly my furry soulmate..SO sorry <3

    1. I'm so sorry for your loss, Nadia. The ones who are soulmates are the toughest to lose, although they are all special. Hugs.

  30. Still so sad over the loss of your fur babies....I can't imagine...sending lots of love Deborah, as always 💖

  31. We lost our cat, Socks, two years ago to cancer. He was a very sweet boy.

    1. I'm so sorry about Socks. Magic and Mystic both had cancer too, as did their mom. Hugs.

  32. I had a cat, Max, for 13 years. He passed away when I was pregnant with my son. I always felt like he left to "make room" for my son. He was such a beautiful, sweet boy. Tuxedo colored, Maine Coon mix. I still feel him around me occasionally. Love and light to you, Deborah.

    1. I'm glad you can still sense him with you. Love and light to you as well.

  33. Unfortunately I lost my dog Smmokey many years ago and have not had a dog since. I prefer cats nowadays and even though I haven't lost one recently I still tear up when I think of Smokey and miss him deeply

    1. They do stay with us, no matter how long it has been. Hugs.

  34. Hugs. That's a lot of loss. All my babies were rescues too.

  35. There were two cats that I have had that had such an impact on me and I mourned them for years. Thinking about them now makes me tear up. I lost the first one when I was 16 years old. He was my bestfriend. The second one only 5 years ago. They were like children to me.

    1. I had a really special cat as a teen too. She was all that got me through those difficult years. Hugs.

  36. Over the years I've lost many pets and it never gets easier. As a mom, it's actually harder now, watching my daughter mourn her beloved animals (even when they're only pests, such as baby house mice, or things like salt water hermit crabs).

  37. As a child I lost my dog, Flopsy. She was very maternal with my sister and me. I was away when we lost and my heart broke when my Mom told me.
    In the last 2 years, we lost our dog, Pokey, whom we've had since he was a few months old. I had seen my husband get teary eyed twice in our marriage. Our wedding and Pokey's passing. Lots of hugs. When they go, they take a lot of us with them.

    1. They do. But they give us so much while they're here. Hugs to you and your husband.

  38. I was going to post earlier then was called away. I've lost a number of pets too. Some stick in the mind more than others. Some because I regret the decision. But Daisy was the sweetest pup and I hope she understands and forgives me. And the last furry one, was my cat Daphne, I held her in my arms as she left. But I miss them all.
    Diane Nowell

    1. It is always such a difficult decision to make. Getting the timing right is nearly impossible. But we do the best we can for them, when they can't make these choices for themselves, and that's all they ever ask from us. Hugs.

  39. Sooo hard to say good bye to our furry family members. Gets harder each time, though I couldn’t bear the emptiness of life without a feline companion.
    I miss all of them, though the sibling pair that hit me hardest has been the brother and sister who found and adopted me as their own. Paws and his sister Whiskers, who were with me for 12 years, and passed within 5 months of each other. ~4 years ago.!still brings me to tears to thin of them. He was a large gregarious tabby and she was the softest sweetest fuzzy mom-type cat who could do that evasive ‘like water’ move.
    We now have another pair of siblings who are nothing alike. Also quite the characters. But then aren’t they all. Anyway, there it is.

  40. Enjoy all your work

  41. *hugs to you and your new fur children from me and my boys* Love you Dear

  42. I have lost several beloved pets over the years. They will be a part of me, always!

  43. I am so sorry for your loss. I want to let you know how much I loved hearing Magic’s input in your ‘Everyday Witch Book of Rituals’. I am sending you love and light. Blessed be.
