Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Come Support Me on Patreon!

I have exciting news! I’ve decided (okay, been persuaded) to start a Patreon page. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Patreon, it is a way to support the authors (or artists, or various other types of creative people) whose work you enjoy. It is very simple. Patrons sign up to make a monthly contribution (as little as a dollar a month) to the “creator” of their choice, and in return get various rewards that are not available to the general public. The greater the monthly pledge, the more exciting the rewards.

Needless to say, not everyone can afford to do this, or will have any desire to support their favorite authors by doing anything more than buying books and leaving the occasional review. That’s just fine. But for others, it is an opportunity to be a part of the creative process, support folks they admire, and get fun and interesting rewards in the process. And those they support get to do what they love and worry just a little bit less about money.

To be honest, the deciding factor for me was the recent insane vet bills for my beloved cats. (Mystic is on a medicine that costs, I kid you not, $300/month. But without it, he wouldn't be here.) I didn’t want to do a Go Fund Me and just ask for money, and I’d already been playing around with the idea of doing a Patreon page, since it allows me to give back to the folks who support my efforts. It’s something of an experiment, and we’ll see how it goes.

But in the meanwhile, here it is. Feel free to follow this link and see what it is all about! 

Thanks in advance to anyone who jumps on board! *smooches*


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