Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Upcoming Release Schedule and a Giveaway!

So I've been hard at work on The Book of Cat Magic for Llewellyn (my 11th book for them, not counting the tarot deck!) and hope to finish it today. Another couple of days to polish it up, then it will be off to my beloved editor Elysia, and I will be starting work on another novel.

In the meanwhile, I've also been working on A Sekrit Project, which I'm hoping to be able to announce in the next week or so. The folks who get my newsletter will find out about it first, so if you're not signed up yet, you can use the form at the top left of the page to do so. I only send out 4-6 newsletters a year, so don't worry about getting too much mail... (And sometimes I even do giveaways for my newsletter people only.)

I'm prepping to go to the RWA (Romance Writers of America) National Convention at the end of this month. This year it is being held in Orlando, Florida. I'll get to meet up with my agent and lots of author pals I rarely see, so it should be fun. Anyone else going to be there?

More importantly, I now have release dates and covers for all the upcoming books! I thought I'd share them with you so you can start planning which ones you are going to buy... (Subtle hint.)

This fall is going to be busy!

First up, we have the next Baba Yaga novella, Wickedly Spirited. This one features Jazz, the teen that Bella rescued in WICKEDLY POWERFUL (the 3rd Baba Yaga novel). Wickedly Spirited comes out on September 19th--it seems like a long way away, but it is only 2 1/2 months from now! If you haven't read WICKEDLY POWERFUL yet, you've still got time to catch up. (I'm going to help out with that, as you'll see.) And it's only $1.99!

I love this cover!
Next up after that will be my 10th Llewellyn book, A YEAR AND A DAY OF EVERYDAY WITCHCRAFT, which will be out on October 8th. Lots of people seem to be excited about this one. (Not so sure the kitty on the cover is one of them...)

What do you think? Is he impressed? Or annoyed?
Then the book I can't wait to share with you--the second in the Rider series! DANGEROUSLY DIVINE is Gregori Sun's story, and will be out on November 28th. If you haven't read the first Rider book, DANGEROUSLY CHARMING, you still have a few months to catch up on that too.

Oh BOY, do I love this cover! Yum!
Feel free to run and preorder all of these. No, really, I'll wait.

Oh, you're back? Okay, then I guess I'll reward you with a giveaway! I haven't done one for a while, so I thought I'd help out those of you who haven't read WICKEDLY POWERFUL yet, so you'll be ready when the novella comes out. Of course, if you already have the book, this way you'll have a signed copy, plus a cool new dragon friend. And some bookmarks, because who doesn't need more bookmarks?

As always, no purchase is necessary, and I'd love it if you'd spread the word. Pretty please? *smooches*

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I look forward to all your books lady!

  2. Have the first one in my stack to read

  3. Have the first one in my stack to read

  4. I love you books! I can already see what any gift cards I get between now and Christmas will be going to. (My sister in law always gets me one for Christmas.)


  5. I love both these series....cannot wait for these new releases!

  6. I LOVED your Baba Yaga series and am in love with your Rider books too!

  7. I got Wickedly Dangerousthe other day. Been meaning to start this series.

  8. I've just started the Baba Yaga series and am in love with it already! I'll definitely read them all!

  9. Books sound interesting. Looking forward to reading.

  10. Books sound interesting. Looking forward to reading.

  11. More Baba Yaga yea!! Plus, who doesn't need more bookmarks ?

  12. I love your books and can't wait for this one

  13. Baba yaga really jumped out at me. Never read your books, but hoping to win one!

  14. I just came across the Baba Yaga series, have read the first two and the prequel. Two of them on audiobook, the narrator is really good! Just checking your website to see what the name of the next one is and saw this giveaway--how exciting!

    1. Sadly there were no more audiobooks after the first two, but you're up to Wickedly Powerful, which comes right before the novella! (Although really, Dangerously Charming comes in between.)
