Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Summer Harvest

One of my favorite things about summer is playing in the garden and reaping the benefits later (yes, pun intended). This year, because of the bum knee, the garden has been less like fun and more of a challenge, but thanks to some helpful friends, I do have some lovely veggies and fruits (and a lot more weeds than usual, but we're just ignoring them, right?).

Here are some of the goodies that I harvested this week, and what they look like after...

Red and yellow onions, red and fingerling potatoes, soybeans

Purple potatoes, eggplant, a few tomatoes and one lone cucumber

All the shallots! The last of the dill and some more tomatoes lurking behind

A few strawberries (the bulk of the harvest is over)

I love grilling veggies! Eggplant, tomatoes, onions, califlower

The finished plate, plus an ear of corn not from my garden. And a beer, of course.
Do you like to grow fresh veggies? Or at least eat them? What is your summertime favorite?

Note: 2 1/2 hours out in the garden made my knee very cranky. Sitting down to write now.
Happy summer!


  1. How beautiful are these? What do you do with the soybeans?

    1. They're also known as edamame and usually you just boil them for about 5 minutes and eat them! I sometimes throw them on top of salads or in stir fries, too.

  2. Looks like a bountiful harvest is being enjoyed this year. I hope your knee doesn't give you too much pain. I was ill this spring so I missed the optimal planting time for Florida, I will put in a autumn garden.
