Friday, March 4, 2016

Saying Goodbye to Minerva

I'm afraid this is a rather sad Feline Friday post. As some of you know (the ones who follow me on Facebook), I had to say goodbye to my beloved cat Minerva this Tuesday. She'd had a bad week back in January I blogged about it here, but it looked like it was just a fluke, and she was fine. Unfortunately, the issue returned after I got back from Coastal Magic on February 7th (I'm still going to put up a blog about that eventually, probably) and we've been fighting the good fight ever since. On Tuesday, we lost the battle.

Minerva 2001-20016
We still don't know for sure what went wrong, but it was likely to be some form of cancer, since all her blood tests and x-rays were fine, but she went downhill incredibly fast. She initially responded well to prednisone, but then even that stopped working and she wouldn't eat. It broke my heart, but we had a good last couple of days on Sunday and Monday (when I was already pretty sure we were at the end) and when I took her in on Tuesday, my vet and the techs and everyone were just wonderful. I miss her terribly, but it was the right thing to do to end her suffering. I put up this altar for her in the last week, and then added her picture once she was gone.

I'm not the only one missing her. I ended up adopting Minerva more or less by accident. I'd gone to the shelter to get one kitten (I swear!) to be company for the final elderly cat I had left at the time, and ended up coming home with Mystic, his sister Magic (she insisted, and that was just the first of many times she twisted me around her little paw) and their scared, sickly mother. The folks at the shelter offered to throw her in as a "bonus," without any of the usual adoption charges, because they could see that she was unadoptable. She was so frightened, it took her two years before she got brave enough to sit on my lap. Of course, then she never wanted to get off. I called her my little bonus cat.

Mystic and Magic are clearly aware that she isn't coming back, although how they know, I'm not sure. (When she was hospitalized for two days back in January, they were just fine.) Mystic isn't finishing his food--that never happens!--and Magic has been a bit clingy. But we'll hang together and get through this.

Magic, Minerva, and Mystic a few years after they got here. Mystic was already huge compared to the others. It made it easier to tell him apart from his look-alike mom.
It is my very great consolation that I was able to give her fourteen years of a good life she wouldn't have had otherwise: a loving home where she could feel safe and stay with two of her kittens (she was a very affectionate and attached mother, which not all cats are). March 8th would have been the anniversary of the day I brought her and the kittens home. It has always been a joyous day in this house, but this year the house will be a little bit emptier.

Minerva always looked so dainty next to her giant son, but she never stopped curling up with her kids.

The family together, in happier days.
This is the tough part about having animal companions, of course, and it hurts like hell. But I can't imagine my life without them and the joy and love they bring to my life.

Thank you, Minerva, for being my little bonus kitty. I miss you.


  1. Very big hugs to you and cuddles to Mystic and Magic. You loved her well.

    1. And she loved me well back. She was a quiet treasure.

  2. It's never good bye. It's til we are together again. bode died over two years ago but last night he laid on my legs for the longest time. It's a thin screen between us, but unfortunately , ony they can see through it all the time.

  3. Swift journey Minerva! *hugs* such is the price of love 😪

  4. This is such a sad post.....I'm aching for my furry babies that have passed....Lion, whom I had to have euthanized after his lungs shut down, a lobe at a time.... and lately, Fredder, who was old and who passed in my arms while we were watching TV one night. *HUGS* Blessed be, my friend..and peace to you.

  5. So sorry for your loss. The only fault our animals have is not living long enough. She was lucky to be a part of your family. Blessed be.

  6. So Beautifully written...A wonderful tribute to Minerva..A beautiful Altar.Love & Healing sent to you and your fur baby's. Niala

  7. Ohhhh little bonus cat! She was soooo beautiful. Lovely little family. RIP Bonus Cat. (I'm not surprised the kids knew--scent, or body language, or something. Sometimes animals can tell when people are sick too.)

    1. She was very pretty. I used to call those two little dots of white on her upper lip her "lipstick."

  8. What a sweet story! Kitty families are the best feline families because they all get along! I'm so very sorry about Minerva! May you find comfort in seeing her in her offspring.

    1. Mystic and Magic actually don't get along as well as they did when they were younger. Mystic can be a bit of a bully :-)

  9. OH NO! So, SO very sorry to hear about Minerva! HUGSSSS!!!!!! to you, Mystic, and Magic! It's always hard losing a fur child, no matter the circumstances.

    MUCH LOVE to all of you!

  10. A lovely tribute! While I am sorry for you loss, you gave her a wonderful life.

  11. Through the years, we've all come to know your furry family. We will miss Minerva as well. Thank you for sharing her with us.

    1. Thanks, Katherine. It is funny how we feel like we know some of the kitties people share with us online (like Karen Rose Smith's Sunnybud, who she lost recently).

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks, Jim. I was thinking of getting a fire spider next time. But I'd probably get attached to him too...

  13. I'm so sorry about your sweet bonus kitty. What a beautiful life you've given her! We never have enough time with them.

  14. May the memories of love outweigh the grief of loss. I've had to rehome three of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde, I'm down to Sir Merlin Fuzzybutt so it's quiet around here. I'm glad you have her kittens with you to help with her loss.

  15. I'm so very sorry for your loss. As hard as it was, you did the right thing by helping her cross over so she wouldn't have to suffer. It's never easy to say goodbye to our furbabies - they are family! HUGS
