Sunday, March 20, 2016

A Spring Equinox Ritual: Creating a Charm Bag for Energy, Creativity, and Abundance

A friend asked me to make her a charm to increase her physical and creative energy, and I thought, "Man, I need one of those too." And then I thought, "And the Spring Equinox is the prefect time to tap into that kind of energy," so I made it part of Blue Moon Circle's ritual, which we did earlier today.

Then it occurred to me that some other folks might find this useful too, so here it is. As always, if you don't have some (or even most) of the supplies, you can substitute things you do have that feel right to you, or just do without. The reason I threw in SO many ingredients, more than I usually do, is because I needed this to be uber-powerful. And it was.

Happy Ostara, folks!

Spring Equinox Ritual
Energy, Creativity & Prosperity Charm Bag

Supplies: Quarter candles, god/goddess candles, small containers of salt & water & small bowl, sage smudge stick, cakes & ale, matches
Plus: [one each for each person taking part]
Medium sized bag—mesh, silk, leather, fabric, or whatever suits your fancy
GEMSTONES – Amber (good fortune, strength, healing, heightens magical work), Amethyst (healing, happiness, de-stressor/lifts spirits, sharpens the mind), Aventurine (healing, prosperity, creativity), Tiger-eye (prosperity, strength, confidence). Use as many as desired.
HERBS – Cinnamon (stick form is easiest, energy, creativity, success, healing), Rosemary (energy, healing, sharpens the mind), Sage (protection, wisdom, lends power to wishes)
A piece of paper & a pen – I like to use pastel colors for spring, and if you can find them, paper imbedded with seeds (I found a wrapping paper in pastel colors with seeds in it, to plant later)
Optional, to represent the powers of the elements – a feather (air, also creativity), salt (I like to use chunks of sea salt, earth, grounding, purification), shell (water, potential), a tiny candle (I used a small purple beeswax rolled candle; beeswax for prosperity and energy, purple for creativity and spirit)
Optional – magical oil (I used a homemade energy/strength oil made from cinnamon, ginger, lemon, and orange—but any oil for energy or creativity or prosperity will do)

Pass sage, salt and water to purify circle.
Call quarters. Invoke god and goddess:
“Great Brigid, Bright Lady, we gather at your cauldron for wisdom and bounty, in celebration of the joyous spring. Be with us now and send us your gifts of creativity, energy, and growth. So mote it be!”
“Great Herne, Lord of the Beasts, we welcome back your creatures to the greening world, and rejoice at your return. Send us your gifts of strength, prosperity, and abundance. So mote it be!”

Today is the beginning of spring and the time for new growth is upon us. May the start of the light half of the year bring inspiration to our spirits and hearts. Today is also a day of balance between light and dark, when we release winter's frozen immobility in favor of growth and new energy.
This makes it the perfect time to recharge our physical and spiritual bodies, which are often left drained by the cold and dark of winter, as well as the never-ending hustle and bustle of our own busy lives. We will tap into the energy of spring, full of abundance and growth, and use that potential to create a charm bag that will increase our spiritual, physical, and creative energies, while also bringing prosperity and abundance in positive and helpful ways.

On the paper, write your desires for the seasons to come—start with energy, creativity, and prosperity, if those are your goals, and then add anything else you want. Into the bag, place the gemstone(s) and herbs, focusing on their properties as you work. If using the extras to represent the elements, add those, speaking their names and powers out loud if you wish. Tuck the paper inside and anoint with magical oil, if using. Consecrate the charm bag by holding it over each element’s candle (away from the flame) and say, “I consecrate this magical charm for energy, creativity, and prosperity (or your goals) with the power of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.” Then hold it over the god/goddess candles and say, “I consecrate this magical charm with the power of the god and goddess, for the good of all, and according to the free will of all. May it work for my benefit from this day forward. So mote it be.”

If desired, raise energy and direct it toward your magical working by chanting or drumming.
Blue Moon Circle used this simple chant: “Earth my body, Water my blood, Air my breath, and Fire my spirit.” Then say the following spell:
Spring energy flies through the air on the wings of the birds and the freshening breeze
And flows up from the ground with the blooming flowers and greening grass
May this energy be mine. May this power for creation be mine. May this abundance be mine.
So mote it be.

Cakes and ale:"I ask you now Shining Deities, to give of your many blessings. I call forth your gifts into these cakes. May your energy infuse this food, and thus infuse me with your magic."
"Make sacred the liquid within this chalice. Put into it your light and love. Into it pour your blessings to me. Within me may your gifts shine bright!" 
Pass speaking stick. Dismiss the quarters. Thank the gods.
I thank the lovely Shining Ones for their gifts and many blessings. Herne and Brigit, I thank you again and again. To the ancestors and spirits of nature who have also joined us this day, I thank you! And I thank as well the Earth Mother, Gaia, for this land, your bounty, and my body, the vehicle through which I am able to give you honor.
Place your charm bag on your altar, or wherever it will be safe and nearby.


  1. Wish I had been there, I miss you all so much and I really needed the groups energy this Ostara!

    1. We miss you too! I wish you'd been there. We even talked about trying to skype with you, but ran out of time. xxx
