Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day Flash Giveaway!

I confess--Valentine's Day has never been my favorite day. It has been many years since I had a significant other (and frankly, I never dated guys who were good at That Day). My beloved grandmother died five years ago today (way to mess up a perfectly good Hallmark holiday, Germambie). On top of that, it was MINUS twenty degrees out this morning when I woke up, and Minerva is very sick again. Plus I have a migraine and I *really* need to be writing.

I know...whine, whine, whine.

But here's the thing. Despite all that stuff, I am still a very lucky woman and I know it. I may not have romantic love, but I have so many people who love me, and who I love back. Plus, of course, the kitties. And my wonderful readers. I love all of you guys too!

So I'm going to do what I always do when I'm feeling crappy, and do something nice for someone else. This never fails to cheer me up. (Try it--you'll be amazed how much better you'll feel.)

If I could, I'd give each and every one of you a Valentine's gift. But since I can't, I'm going to do a Flash Giveaway (two, actually, because I'm also doing one over on Facebook at the same time). Look what I've got! A signed copy of Wickedly Powerful (it still has that new-book smell), a cute little "Be Wicked" broom, and a $10 Amazon gift card, in case the winner still needs to pick up Wickedly Ever After


Angus approves.

I love these little brooms, don't you? I special ordered them through Etsy all the way from France!
Since this is a Flash Giveaway, it is only on for the next two days, ending at midnight on Monday the 15th (EST). But it is open to everyone everywhere! (*waves at foreign readers*) And if you're on Facebook, don't forget to go enter the Flash Giveaway there, featuring the same goodies.

But leave a comment here too, and tell me who you would most like to spend Valentine's Day with (real or imaginary). Me, I'd like to go sit on a beach with MacGyver :-)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Pity I can't win the cat too ;) Pretty cat though.

  2. I'd love to spend it in front of a cozy fire with a new book and George, the bottle of wine I named.

  3. I would love to spend Valentines day with a very sexy Johnny Depp! Yes, please! :)

    1. I'd like the Johnny Depp from Chocolat. Very fitting for Valentine's Day, yes?

  4. I am spending Valentines day with husband. <3

  5. Will be spending the Day with my wife and best friend, Becca, and out fur babies

  6. I would like to spend the day with my grammie who left this world quite a while ago.

    1. I'd love to spend the day with mine as well. *hugs*

  7. My Valentine is miles away today for work. (We talked on the phone, though.) But since we can't be together today, I'm spending the day with my kitties and mouse. Nothing like the unconditional love of a pet-- they're better at Valentine's Day than most humans!

    1. It was nice you could at least talk on the phone. And thank goodness for kitties!

  8. I feel the same way about Valentine's Day, but I wish you a happy day, today, tomorrow, and all the tomorrows.

  9. Fictional date? Probably Indiana Jones...or gorgeous big friesian. Real Life...right where I am at with cat tribe, good tea and decent health today.

  10. I'm spending Valentine's Day with my favorite person...Jim!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day, Deb. Sorry you're ailing. Me too.

  12. My son, if I could time travel back to when he wasn't an angsty teenager and still thought mommy was the best valentine.

    1. LOL. Just wait another ten years or so--you'll eventually get him back. In the meanwhile, hugs.

  13. I would only want to spend Valentines Day with my hubby & kids!

  14. What a wonderfully comforting giveaway! Like you, I have sad memories associated with Valentine's Day but I refuse to let it triumph. On 2/14/14, I had my cat Dusty euthanized. Last Valentine's Day weekend, my cat, Desi was euthanized. Earlier this month, my cat, Heidi, was euthanized. I consider them all my Valentine's Day kitties so Valentine's Day is now a special holiday for me because it's also a memorial of them.

    1. Wow--this holiday SUCKS for you, doesn't it? *hugs* With Minerva so sick right now, I can definitely feel your pain (not that I wouldn't have anyway). I hope next year is better. So sorry for all your losses.

  15. I want to spend Valentine's day with my husband unfortunately he is halfway across the world and I miss him so much.

  16. Hhmmm..The answer to most of these questions would almost always be the Doctor! LOL

  17. Spending the day with my hubby of 27 years; most wonderful guy in the world... smartest one too...he married me, didn't he? LOL!

  18. I'm spending this Valentine's Day with my lovely husband .. and I guess he's the one I'd most like to spend it with in any case!

  19. I'm spending my Valentine's with my loving husband who is making me home made Chicken Alfredo for dinner :)

  20. I'm spending my Valentine's with my loving husband who is making me home made Chicken Alfredo for dinner :)

  21. My husband is at work a state away so I am spending my V day with 2 kitties, a house rabbit and Daryl Dixon!

  22. With my husband of over 30years. Who else would tolerate me?

  23. I am spending valentines with my foster care client and my baby brother. The only romance I am into is the stuff in paranormal books.

    1. That still sounds nice. And let's hear it for paranormal romance!

  24. We like to spend this day as a family with our daughter Aya, Like today we went bowling the and had a nice dinner out my beautiful wife and daughter they make every day amazing.

    1. What a terrific answer. It sounds like you are a lucky man.

  25. I would most like to spend Valentines Day (or any day) with my family!

  26. I'd like to spend Valentine's Day with my friend Michael, we always have a lot of fun together.

  27. My hubby is working 10 hours away from me right now so I would have loved to spend today with him... BUT spending it with our two lovely kiddos was just as good! :)

  28. I love the broom! Happy Valentine's Day! I would love to spend it with Acheron from the Dark Hunters

  29. I love to spend Valentine's Day with my husband. We have been married for 33 years, but actually together for 40 years.

  30. I'd love to spend Valentines Day with Sam Elliott , he is just so yummy

  31. I'd like to spend it with someone new that I haven't met yet, but will sweep me off my feet!

  32. Honestly, I'd like to have one of those cheesy Valentines one year with the guy I love and who loves me. Complete with chocolate and flowers and maybe a movie thrown in.

    ((Hope Minerva feels better soon and that your headache goes away.))

  33. Is it super cheesy that I honestly just am happy to spend Valentines Day with my cat and my husband? Nothing unusual for the day, just a lot of love.

    Lots of love being sent your and Minerva's way, btw.

    1. Not cheesy at all. But then I know your cat and your husband :-)

  34. It was the three of us, me, my husband and our daughter. We grilled on the BBQ and watched some cheesy SciFi movie from the 80's. It was really ridiculous and we laughed a lot. I hope yours was great!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Since blogger doesn't give us an edit button...
    You always have the best goodies, Miss Deborah.

    I would most like to have spent the day with my hubby. He was on the boat. Only 2 more days and he'll be home.
    I've not read any of your fiction... yet. Love to put this at the top of my reading list. Blessings! Kelly w/a AngelaDrake aka RainLyte

    1. And I have so much fun giving them away! yay for the return of the hubby. I can't believe you haven't read the fiction tyet--you have lots of catching up to do!

  37. Spent the day with a good friend of mine - drove up yesterday and stayed the night so we had two days to hang out and geek out on nerdy, fandom stuff (mostly animes and Transformers, with some original Knight Rider thrown in), but my boyfriend did call this morning and we chatted for a little bit. He and I are spending /next/ weekend together.

    Damn . . . VDay for you is sounding like my every-five-years birthdays had gotten. BIIIIG kerfluffle over mice and ethical practices regarding trapping/killing them at work (long story - manager was phobic, work decided to use those sticky pads and throw them in the trash like garbage to basically /starve/ to death glued to the pads...just NO) on my 25th, a good friend of mine died the day before my 30th, and my coworker's husband died on/around my 35th . . . I was pretty damned sure I was going to lose my parents or something on my 40th. Turned out it was my grandmother the week after my 39th (nothing major on my 40th). I'm hoping that broke the cycle. o.o I'll find out in another 3-1/2 years.

    Here's to you feeling better soon. And Minerva too!

    Also, NGL, I /REALLY LOVE/ those "Be Wicked" brooms! Who on Etsy did you get them from?? <3 Also, yes, you are MUCH loved!

    "Me, I'd like to go sit on a beach with MacGyver :-)" As in Richard Dean Anderson's MacGyver? YES! Or anyone from original NCIS. Or, as someone else commented, Indiana Jones...or Harrison Ford. Or Scott Bakula. Hell, as I'm pretty much "ace", so I don't really care. I'll spend it with /anyone/ who can turn me on mentally/intellectually too. I'm pretty pansexual that way.

    1. Aren't the brooms adorable? The etsy folks are The Witch Chandlery. They're on Facebook, too. Lovely folks in France who made these specially for me.

  38. I would love to spend valentines day with a yummy guy who I love & who loves me
    Bonnie Schoening

  39. Hmmm...I've made some big changes in my life over the last few years and things are pretty good. I will say that having someone to share any holiday (even if it is a Hallmark one) would be nice. I'm the meantime, I wouldn't mind spending some time on the beach with Sam & Dean. ��

  40. Love your facebook posts. Wishing finances would allow me the buy one if your books so here's hoping I can win one! Thank you for the chance. ��

  41. It would be nice to actually be able to spend it with an attentive, loving husband - just the two of us. However, that's not possible with our two wild children and no babysitter. I'll just dream on.

    Thanks for being such a wonderful person and offering this great giveaway.

  42. I'd love to spend it with my dad. Don't get to spend much time with him anymore, since I moved from Wyoming. Also, I have a daughter going to Germany to college very soon for six months. So, spending time with her is always good.

  43. Shemar Moore from Criminal Minds!!

  44. I spent Valentine's with my wonderful hubby who got me The Hobbit extended version trilogy set.

    I also got mucho kitty love.

    Hoping to get Wickedly Powerful as soon as I get some spare money.


  45. If I couldn't spend it with my wonderful husband, I would spend it with Ian Somerhalder. He's incredibly attractive and he's a humanitarian as well xx

  46. I would always choose to spend Valentine's Day with my husband. Granted, some years he does better than others, but I do love him! :)

  47. That's too bad about your Valentine's Day. Me. Not at all like you I do not need romantic love. I'm good. Thanks for the giveaway. By the way, you were hilarious.
