Monday, December 14, 2015

BIG News for my Llewellyn Readers

I keep saying that I'm not going to be writing any more books for Llewellyn, because writing the novels for Berkley is taking all of my time these days. In fact, I've been saying that for a few years. But then my beloved editor Elysia asked me if I could write The Witch's Broom book (the Kindle version is on sale for $2.99 right now, btw), and since she's my favorite, I had to say yes. Then I got the idea for Everyday Witchcraft and I just had to write that one. But that's it, I said. Absolutely no more.

Only, um, I got this idea about a year ago. And I was silly enough to mention it to Elysia at Pantheacon last February, and she mentioned it to Bill, the publisher, who was there too, and they both said, "We REALLY want you to write this book."

I said no. I swear I did. I'd just gotten the second Berkley contract with two new novels, a new novella, and the revisions for Veiled Magic and there was no way I was going to have time. Absolutely not. Every once in a while Elysia would email me and say, "Hey, when are you going to write that book we talked about?" or "Gee, Bill reminded me I should ask you about that book." "No," I said. "Can't possibly do it. Way too busy."

But here's the's kind of a cool idea. I've had lots of fans ask me if I could do a year and a day book, or some kind of witch's devotional, or something along those lines. So the idea I got, almost a year ago, was to do a 365 Day book that would take the reader on a path through the year that would teach, inspire, and recharge them, no matter what their level of experience or the depth (or lack thereof) of their practice. It could be used as a personal year and a day journey, or as a devotional, or just for fun.

Did I mention I love 365 Day books? I have them for writing, and witchcraft, and other spiritual paths, among other things.

Magic the Cat insisted on helping with the picture, so I guess she likes them too.

So when Elysia emailed me again a few months ago and said, "REALLY, Bill wants to know when you're going to sign the contract for this. We really, really want you to write it!" I um, kinda said, "Okay, you win. I'll write it."

The contract for the tentatively titled 365 Days of Everyday Witchcraft got signed this week, just in time for Yule. Consider this my gift to you, my readers, who have been so lovely about supporting all my previous work. It won't be out until late in 2017, because, you know NOVELS (and the tarot deck that's coming out in January 2017), but you will be getting one more witchcraft book from me.

This is the last one. I mean it. Seriously.

Anyone besides me a little excited about this? (And yes, I'll probably be doing a giveaway later this week to celebrate--I just couldn't wait one more minute to share the news!)


  1. I can't wait for both, the Tarot deck AND 365 Days....!!!

  2. I can't trying to buy all your your writing...

  3. Yea! Much celebrating (at least until deadline reality sets in)!

    1. Believe me, I've already started hyperventilating and saying, "Oh boy, what did I do?"

  4. Whoop!!! We'll just send food and beverages to you at your desk!

  5. Whoop!!! We'll just send food and beverages to you at your desk!

  6. Yay!! I am so excited to hear this news. I hope you don't over work yourself though. We all love you and don't want you to get burned out with your writing <3

  7. Exciting news! I'm already counting down the days. XD *offers whole plate of cookies to keep your muse happy*

  8. What wonderful news! I know what I'll be putting on my Yule wish list for that year, seeing how it comes out towards the end of the it.


  9. Replies
    1. Well, I do have to write it :-) Most books take about two years from idea to publication, so this is about on a par.

  10. Can not wait. All your books are awesome, and I have been wanting a 365 book!!! You Go Girl!

  11. Yay! You are quite busy but I am happy to eventually have this in my hands. :D

  12. yay yay yay! i can not wait for this book! it is a wonderful idea!

  13. I celebrate Yule, Solstice and Happy Penguin Day
