Thursday, September 10, 2015

Baba Yaga Themed Giveaway!

When I was at Pantheacon in San Jose last February, I bought some really cool original drawings from an artist named Laura Tempest Zakroff. (You can find her website here.) There was a painting of a black cat that reminded me of Magic that caught my eye first, but then, low and behold, I noticed that she had not one but TWO Baba Yaga pictures!

The hut on chicken legs, and the Baba flying in her enchanted mortar and pestle.
Naturally, I got them both. But I wasn't being greedy, I swear. I'd intended all along to give one away here. I just kind of kept forgetting. (Despite the fact that I purposely propped them up on the counter where I couldn't miss them.)

Then one of my friends online told me about a cool graphic novel that she thought I'd want to read, written, ironically, by a woman with a REALLY cool name: Marika McCoola (with illustrations by Emily Carroll). Of course, I bought it and read it immediately, and it is truly fabulous--a modern fairy tale about a girl who meets the Baba Yaga, with a slightly unexpected ending.

The book is called BABA YAGA'S ASSISTANT (and here's a link, in case you want to check it out further).

When I finished it, I immediately thought: I need to share this! So here we are, with a Baba Yaga themed giveaway to celebrate the fact that I just finished the final edits on WICKEDLY POWERFUL, the next Baba Yaga novel in my series (coming in February). I couldn't decide which one of the pictures to give away and which one to keep, so I'm actually going to let the winner decide! Go ahead and tell me in the comments which one you like best. Or, of course, if you'd rather have the book (although you get both).

The prizes: the book and your choice of one picture

Doesn't this look cool?

So, all you have to do to enter is use the Rafflecopter form to chose the usual options. You can share the contest on Twitter, visit my Facebook page (and click like and "get notifications" if you haven't already). You get extra points for leaving a comment, and extra EXTRA points for leaving a new review (or a copy of an old one in a new place, like Amazon, B&N, Goodreads, etc.), or buying a book (old purchases don't count, although I do appreciate the heck out of them), any book of mine. Some options can be done on every day the contest runs. 

As always, no purchase is necessary, although if you want to preorder the new novel or the novella that comes out in January, Wickedly Ever After, or even the non-Baba Yaga urban fantasy coming out in November, VEILED MAGIC, now would be a good time to do so! 

*I'm afraid that this one has to be for USA folks only, since it would cost a mint to mail this stuff out of country. Sorry. But hey, my last contest winner was from Australia!!! *waves hi to Ang from Oz*

  a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. These are really cool! Even if I don't win, I want to get the book, it sounds so good! Thank you for your giveaways.

    1. It really is! It's aimed at kids, but I still loved it and think it is perfect for any age. (And I don't even like graphic novels, normally.)

  2. Those are awesome! Looks like a book I need to pick up. Thank you for doing the giveaway!

  3. Yet another great giveaway! Love the look of the graphic novel.

  4. I just heard about the book and asked the library to order it. Can't wait to see it. Love the picture on the right. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. I love the picture of Baba flying in her enchanted mortar and pestle. This book looks like it would be fun to read with the great illustrations. Thank you for all the fun giveaways you do for us :)

  6. will the new books be coming out in paperback? On amazon all they are showing is kindle editions

    1. Darlene, Veiled Magic is an ebook only (they might put it out in print if the sales are really fabulous, but it is doubtful), as is the novella. Book 3, Wickedly Powerful, will be out in print like the first two.

  7. Lovely drawings....the hut brings back memories from my childhood when I first read a story about the hut with chicken legs. But the Baba picture is nicer. Thanks for the giveaway.

  8. i love the book and the second picture! so much detail!

  9. I think the book sounds and looks cool and I like the first picture the best!

  10. Great reminder that i needed to preorder Wickedly Ever After~ Now comes the hard part of waiting! Seriously i love the Baba Yaga series! (also can't wait for the new Tarot set too!!!)
    Thanks again for the giveaway!

    1. Ahem. Yes, everyone needs to preorder Wickedly Ever After :-)

  11. I love Baba Yaga, so even if I dont win, I still would like to get the book. I love the drawings too, especially the one with the moon.

  12. These drawings are so cool! Serendipity that you came across them, eh? ;) the picture on the left is hilarious! I really like the full on Baba on the right~ such detail! The moon & the trees in the background set a lonely tone but the Baba doesn't look lonely, she looks powerful. The graphic novel is interesting... Looking at it I realize I've never read one! The horror! LOL thanks for the opportunity!

    1. Aren't they cool? You should see the colored print of a black cat I bought. It looks just like my Magic!

  13. Love your work! Can't wait to see the giveaway!

  14. Wow, the book looks so great! I may need to order that :)

  15. I think that I like the hut picture. This is a great giveaway!

  16. I love both of the pictures, and I can never have enough books!

  17. Love the book! So many Autumn colors within 😍

  18. I love the picture of Baba flying.

  19. I love the Baba Yaga books and cannot wait for the next one.

  20. I like the chicken but and the book.. The book looks great
