Friday, April 17, 2015

Midsummer Sabbats Book Giveaway

Llewellyn has a new series out, covering all eight Sabbats (Pagan holidays) including Ostara/Spring Equinox and Beltane, already out, and Midsummer/Summer Solstice, coming in a couple of weeks. The rest of the books will be out before the end of the year. The series was written by different authors, and Midsummer is the one I did. I just got a couple of advance copies, so as always, I will be giving one away!

Here is the blurb for the series:
Llewellyn's New Sabbat Essentials Series
With rituals, recipes, lore, spells, crafts, correspondences, and more, the books in the new Llewellyn’s Sabbat Essentials series explore the old and new ways of celebrating the seasonal rites that are the cornerstones in the witch’s year.
I had a lot of fun writing this one and can't wait to collect them all. Can you believe this is my nineth book for Llewellyn? *faints*

Obviously, Magic the Cat approves...

Llewellyn was kind enough to send me a few cover flats too, suitable for framing. I'm going to pick two winners, and they will have their choice of a book or a cover flat. (This is for the folks who have already ordered the book, although this one makes a nice gift, too.)

If you want to take a more detailed look or order the book, you can check it out here on Amazon or here at

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment here (tell me which your favorite Sabbat is, if you celebrate them, or what your favorite thing about summer is) and/or post on Twitter or visit (and hopefully "like" and "get notifications") my Deborah Blake author page on Facebook. Easy peasy!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Another triumph! I would love to win, of course, but is there a way to get signed copies of your books (personalized ones)? ♥

    1. Yes, I can send them to you directly if you want to pay for shipping. I use Paypal :-)

  2. Midsummer would be my favorite....longest day in summer!

  3. I love Samhain the best. But Midsummer is second. Not because it's the longest day, but for the feeling of the earth beneath my feet and in my hands. The feeling of life and growth.

  4. I love Ostara because it signifies a new beginning, but Midsummer has always felt magical to me as well.

  5. My favorite Sabbat is Litha, because this was the first Sabbat that I formally observed. I was on my sailboat with my husband, crossing the Gulf of Maine and headed to Nova Scotia. I did a formal ritual out in the cockpit to send healing energy to a friend with a diagnosis of NHL. When I released the energy a short, but powerful gust of wind ruffled the sail on the boat. There had not been any wind and we were motoring in a flat, calm sea. I was at first surprised, as I was new to magickal practice, but then I felt exhilarated and triumphant that I had indeed succeeded in sending this desired energy to our friend! Just to let you know, it was a difficult fight for my friend, but he has recovered and now is himself sailing on again! ;)

    1. What a great story! I'm so glad you shared it :-) (And glad that your friend is doing better.)

  6. Ostara is my favorite (lots to meditate on!) with Samhain a close second... remembering & getting that much closer to the ones I hold dear.

  7. Samhain is my favorite. Love the changing of the season and the cool, crisp air.

  8. This is really hard! Do I have to pick just one? Lol Samhain is probably my very favorite followed by Yule and Ostara!

  9. I have to say I love all the Sabbats (there´s just something special in all of them!) and would you guess I´d like to collect all of those books as well :)

  10. Beltane and Lughnasa, summer fire festivals when I am most healthy and able to celebrate with more than a solitary ritual.

  11. I love the longer days and the warmer nights to be able to be outdooors more often.

  12. Oh boy! I agree with some of the above comments, choosing is hard! Right now (in New England) I'd have to say Litha or Beltane would be at the top of my list. What a long winter it seems to have been! My favorite sabbat since I was a little girl has always been Samhain, though :) Again, because it's New England the air is crisp and the light changes from summers heat to a golden freshness that's pure magic. There are bonfires and festivities to remember our beloved departed. The scent of fall leaves and their crunch under your boots is so familiar and comforting and there is always a feeling or an undercurrent of anticipation in the air for me.. Oh! I can't wait! LOL

  13. My favorite sabbath is Beltane because it was my first ritual with my circle. That's now been 3 years ago! Also would like to say Deborah Blake that I love your down to earth style of writing! You come threw your books so well and I just really enjoy them! Many blessings to you and yours.

    1. Thanks, Jason! I'm so glad you enjoy the books. I admit to having a special place in my heart for Samhain for the same reason--it was the first ritual I ever celebrated. But I also love Midsummer for its sheer joy and abundance.

  14. While I love all the Sabbats my favorite one is the Autumn Equinox because autumn is my favorite season. There's just something about all the color and the crispness in the air that makes you feel alive. Summer and I don't really get along well, the only thing I like about summer is being able to go swimming.


  15. Samhain has always felt so special to me, even when I was a kid and didn't really understand what it meant. Something about the crisp air and the colors and the fact that it closely coincides with the new school year and my birthday just really makes it feel like a time for a fresh start and new beginnings.

  16. I'd have to pick Samhain. It is the one holiday I have always felt the most connection with ever since I was a child. (Way back before I ever really settled on any religious/spiritual views.) Fall is my favorite time of the year, and I do love the Halloween side of the holiday. But the connection between nature and the cycle of life is something I really love.

  17. I love summer. I feel alive in summer all the nature around you in bloom is lovely and warm. You feel the goddess and gods lovr all around.

  18. Whew well its hard to pick just one!! I love all the fall time sabbats. Lughnasadh was the first I celebrated via ritual. But samhain has always had a special place in my heart. I just love everything it stands for: the respect fir those who have passed, the spooky vibe, etc

  19. I can't choose a favorite Sabbat--I like each one as they happen! I have both the Ostara and Beltane books and they are great--if I'm not lucky enough to win, I will of course be eager to purchase my copy of Midsummer, too! --Amy

  20. Hooray! A new book! My favourite Sabbat is the Winter Solstice. All the lights and evergreenery and the fact that the days will be getting longer. There is a special vibe in the air with all the different celebrations taking place at that time of year.

  21. I love traveling to the mountains in the summer and going hiking.

  22. Replies
    1. Beltane is one of my favorites too, Victoria! It seems so life-affirming. And right around the corner!

    2. Winter Solstice is my favorite Sabbat.

  23. Samhain is my favorite on account of atmosphere. Mulled Cider, pumpkin patches and the crispness in the air.

  24. My favorite is Samhain. I feel renewed and so aware at that time of year. I set special places at my dining table for loved ones lost, and reset my alter and my whole existence. Most of all its visually the most beautiful time of year to me.

  25. I think Samhain is my favorite but I participated in my first ritual during Lammas and it was beautiful and I'll never forget it! Then of course, there's the Winter can I have just one favorite??? I can't!!

  26. Congrats to Joyce and Stacy! And thanks to everyone for all their support :-)

    1. Thank you!! I'd love to have the book, please.

    2. Joyce, I sent you an email. Please respond and send me your address :-)

  27. I would give you the power to give graciously and still be humbled, empowering and beautiful at 55. Oh wait you already have all that. OK just a big squishy hug. HBD )O( Light and love
