Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Big Huge Fabulous News

Greetings from the depths of cold and snowy upstate New York! I hope that those of you in colder climes are managing to make it through this unrelenting winter. Hopefully my news will brighten up your day a little (it sure brightened up mine!).

I know that many have you been waiting to hear whether or not Berkley was going to give me a contract for the next Baba Yaga book. It took them quite a while to decide and I’m sorry to tell you that after looking at all the numbers, they have decided not to do book 3.

In, fact, they have contracted for THREE MORE BOOKS IN THE SERIES—books 3, 4, and 5!!
Plus another novella, which will be out before the next book. [Insert author happy dance here.] I hope this news makes you as happy as it does me. Which is pretty darned happy, I gotta tell you.

The bad news is that since it took them so long to decide to contract for the next three books (did I say YAY?), the third Baba book won’t be out until sometime around February of 2016. The novella (which will revisit our first Baba Yaga, Barbara, so we can see how things are going for her and Liam and little Babs) would be out around January, but that still means that all my faithful readers will have to wait a year or so for more Baba Yaga stories. I know; it’s a bummer.

But wait—there’s MORE good news! Yes, really.

Once upon a time, I wrote an urban fantasy novel called Pentacles and Pentimentos, featuring a witch-cop named Donata Santori. It was pretty darned good, if I do say so myself. How do I know? Because that was the book that got me signed by my agent, the wonderful Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency. It was meant to be the first in a series and was based on the award-winning short story I wrote that was included in The Pagan Anthology of Short Fiction. But for whatever reason, we didn’t manage to sell that book at the time. (Publishing, go figure.)

Luckily, my editor Leis knew that my readers would want something to tide them over until the next Baba Yaga book comes out, so I am also getting a contract to publish Pentacles and Pentimentos at last! They’re only going to put it out as an eBook to begin with, but if it does well enough, they’ll put it out in print too. (No pressure, eBook buyers!) AND, if it does really well, they’ll put out more books in that series too.

So, to sum up…

I’m getting a THREE BOOK CONTRACT for the next three Baba Yaga books, plus a novella, and an additional smaller contract for Pentacles and Pentimentos. [They’ll be changing the name, but I don’t know what to yet.] And you all are getting a lot of new books over the next couple of years!

I guess I’m going to have to come up with some way to celebrate, aren’t I? Any suggestions? Maybe another big giveaway?

And, of course, I am still working on the tarot deck project for Llewellyn, and my next nonfiction book is coming out from Llewellyn on March 8th, which is only a couple of weeks away!

I  hope you’ll join me in doing the happy dance for this great news—because it would never have happened if it wasn’t for all the wonderful readers.


(So tell me, are you happy dancing too?)


  1. That is awesome! Such great news!!! Now to be patient for more baba yaga... :) So much good stuff coming out! Already Preordered Everyday Witchcraft too! Congrats again that is some great news on all these upcoming releases!

    1. Thanks Amber! It is pretty exciting, isn't it? :-)

  2. So great to hear this news, Deborah. Yay! Any idea when the eBook will be published
    Bonnie Schoening

    1. Hi Bonnie! The eBook will be out sometime in the fall, but I'm not sure yet when. I'll definitely keep you posted!

  3. Deborah!!!! That's bigger than huge news. Ginormous? Congrats, lady. You deserve it. Celebrate BIG time. Hugs.

  4. Wheeeee!!!! *throws confetti* Happy for you and happy for me too because I GET TO READ THEM!!!

  5. I'm dancing the dance of happiness for you Deborah! (Well, actually I'm not, bit of a bad back, but I am in spirit:) Matey this is BRILLIANT news, and so thoroughly well deserved. You've worked super-hard to get here and have earned every ounce of this success, so congratulations galore. Also I'm counting down until March 8th as well...weeeee! =^..^=

    1. Thanks Lisa! And I hope the back feels better soon. (Mine is currently complaining loudly about 3 planes in a week, plus a different bed.)

  6. Congrats to you!!! Love reading your books and now will be waiting patiently for more great books by you to read!! :)

  7. Congrats! I'm so happy for you, what great news all around! :)

  8. How exciting! As a witch and a cop, I can't wait to read the new (old) Pentacles and Pentimentos!!!!!!

    1. Oh, cool! I may have to get you to come say something fun on the blog or FB about being a witch/cop when the book comes out :-)

  9. Am I happy dancing too? You bet your sweet patootie! Yay! More books! Boo! We have to wait so long! But you can't rush these things I guess. This is fabulous news and I am eagerly awaiting the ensuing updates. Congrats Deborah!

  10. Congratulations Deborah! I am thrilled for you! How exciting!

  11. Happy dancing here! (I'll try to think of this news as a sign of spring: new growth, flowering, all that.)

    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  12. You know I am super excited for you Miss Deborah. I'm just wondering when you get any sleep LOL Smoochies Hugs and Blessings!

  13. This is wonderful news. I'm so happy that Berkley made the right decision.

  14. What wonderfully exciting news!!! I am so happy for you and I can't wait for the next book to come along, fiction, non-fiction, which ever, I just love your writing. I have pre-ordered Everyday Witchcraft so I am excited for that to come. :) Congratulations to you on all of your success!

    1. Aw, that's a lovely thing to say! That's why I love my readers--they're the best!

  15. OMG!! That is Wonderful news Deborah! I've been anxiously waiting to hear some news about the Baga Yaga series. I'm happy dancing right along with you! And a new series! Wow, I'm super excited to read it. When will "Pentacles and Pentimento's" be release?

    And you know another huge giveaway sounds like just the thing to do! Congratulations and Best Wishes to you! :)

  16. WOW! Congratulations! So much to do. But I have no doubts the finished works will be amazing :) For a giveaway, anything is awesome but personally, I wouldn't mind a deck of tarot cards made by you. (((HUGS)))

    1. You'd have to wait quite a while for the tarot cards, I'm afraid, since they won't be out until late in 2016 :-)

  17. Excellent news, how exciting!
    Can't wait to read your witch-cop urban fantasy, whatever it ends up being named.

  18. AWESOME AWESOME NEWS! So excited for you!!

  19. That is FANTABULOUS news Deborah! I look forward to reading them!


  20. Thanks, all! I'm pretty excited. Up next, a giveaway, of course!

  21. That is FABULOUS major news! Congratulations ^^

  22. Oh, the happy dancing! Earned the reward, revel in the reward. Go on -- revel.

  23. I read the Anthology back when it came out, before I knew your work. Yours was my favorite story in the collection. I'd completely forgotten about that story and now I get to read three new stories! YAY!!
