Thursday, December 4, 2014

Wickedly Wonderful Giveaways!

I was surprised that no one said "Congrats!" on my release day post on Tuesday. I guess you were all out buying WICKEDLY WONDERFUL, right?

Of course, lots of people said lovely things on Facebook, and THANK YOU so much to all those who spread the word. And of course, to those who did run out and buy the book, you have my undying appreciation. SMOOCHES.

I'm all around the interwebs this week, with lots of guest interviews on various reviewer's blogs. (And getting lots of good reviews--WHEW.) Most of them are giving away a free copy of the book, too.
A few places I am today:
An Interview with author D.J. Martin (includes a signed book and swag giveaway from me)
Fun and silly interview at I Smell Sheep blog (includes a book giveaway)
Fabulous review at I Smell Sheep--I got 5 Sheep!
Author Karen Rose Smith talks about the book

 And I'm giving away one more signed copy of Wickedly Wonderful on Goodreads. The contest ends December 14th, so don't wait!


    Goodreads Book Giveaway


        Wickedly Wonderful by Deborah Blake



          Wickedly Wonderful


          by Deborah Blake


            Giveaway ends December 14, 2014.

            See the giveaway details
            at Goodreads.




      Enter to win

But the big news is that I will be doing one more MEGA GIGANTIC giveaway here, probably starting Saturday. So be sure to check back. Here's a preview:
Yep--all of it! So keep your eyes open. I'll be putting the giveaway up here soon.

In the meanwhile, I'm dying to know...has anyone started reading the book? What do you think?


  1. I have and loving it already!!! Beka is great and I love the difference in their attitudes about how the see being the Baba Yaga (they being Barbara vs Beka). I'm trying to pace myself to make the book last longer. Silly I know but when I find a series i'm hooked it's hard to wait for the next releases!

    1. Yay! SO glad you're enjoying it. Unfortunately, you're going to have quite a wait for #3, since Berkley hasn't contracted for it yet.

      Don't forget to post a review when you're done, pretty please?

  2. I would love to be reading the new book but at the moment I am too poor to get it. I might be getting it after the first of the year. My husband lost his job so bills and Christmas come first.

    1. *hugs* I get it! Keep entering the contests, and maybe you'll get lucky.

  3. Started? Girl, I have FINISHED!!! (Gini's too, but I'm not telling which I read first.). As for the book, LOVED IT!!! It had a relatable heroine, a hunky hot marine, and a bad guy covered in a thick coating of Smarmelade (tm)... What's not to love?

    1. And that's why you're my favorite! (You'd be my double-favorite if you posted a review :-) )

  4. (The internet ate this the first time, so I'm trying again.)

    I know I'm late to this party, but I was at Barnes and Noble last night browsing the shelves and I saw Wickedly Dangerous and thought, "Hey. That looks familiar." Then I saw Deborah Blake and thought, "Hey! I know her from ReFab, and the Betties, and and and..." and I bought the book.

    I haven't had time to read much of it so far but I really like what I've read. Plus I'm really pleased to know that book 2 is already out. (I have no patience when it comes to series that I like. You know how it is.) Plus I think my squee might have convinced another lady in the aisle to pick up the first one as well, because I told her how friendly and everything you are.

    Congratulations on the release and I hope the new book does wonderfully well!


    1. Heya Tamsin! Yep, that's me :-)

      I'm so glad you found the book and like it so far. And you know, that you're making other people buy it!

      Which B&N were you in?

  5. Carmel, Indiana, the Midwestern center of Suburbia. Not exactly a hotbed of paranormal readers, but I'm trying. :)

    1. Yes, but they HAD MY BOOK THERE. Even in a non-hotbed. So that's good :-)

  6. I pre-ordered Wickedly Wonderful and it's now on my Nook. I'm saving it for my weekend read-a-thon. Let us know whom we should e-mail at Berkley and we'll start an e-mail campaign demanding book three.

    1. My editor is named Leis Pederson :-)

      Happy reading!

  7. Awwww. CONGRATS! I hope you know we all meant it even if we didn't say it! That's why we're here! I will confess I haven't gotten the book yet because I just purchased Wickedly Dangerous and I'm reading it RIGHT NOW. I am so ready to see this as a live action show it is not funny! OR how about an audiobook?? I'm not quite halfway through but I am hooked.

    1. It's okay--I'm hardly pouting at all :-)

      I hope you're enjoying Wickedly Dangerous! (And that you'll review it when you're done if you do.)

  8. Hi Deborah, I commented on Goodreads on release day (err I think) I received my copy and stayed up late reading!! I love it, I think I even enjoyed it more than the first book.

    BRING ON Book 3 PLEASE :)
