Friday, August 29, 2014

Two Guest Blogs and Feline Friday: The Helpful Cat Version

I'm all over the Interwebs today :-)

Come visit me at Maria V. Snyder's Blog, where she asked me the best interview questions ever (you might even learn a few new things about me) and where we are giving away a signed copy of Wickedly Dangerous to one lucky commenter (including international readers).

Then pop over to see the fun (and very positive, thank goodness!) review at Talk Supe, where I answer the question: What are the 5 Top Fun Fact about Baba Yaga?

Any guesses?

As you can tell, the pre-release promo has moved into high gear, and I really appreciate the author friends and bloggers (including many I don't know at all) who have invited me to visit, or are otherwise spreading the word. Not to mention all of you! I hope you'll go visit some of these blogs, and keep spreading the word.

I'm not doing many book signings, but there will be one at my local Indy bookstore, The Green Toad on Saturday, September 6th from 1-3. If you live anywhere nearby, I hope you'll come say hi! [I will also be at a SF Con in Binghamton, NY the last weekend in September--more info to follow.]

Can you believe that the book comes out in FOUR DAYS????

I'm thinking about doing one more giveaway on release day itself--what do you think? Are you bored with contests, or do you want one more shot at winning a signed book and some Baba Yaga swag? Inquiring minds want to know.

Now--Feline Friday pics! The theme for this week: Cats being helpful. (And if you have cats, you know that this is sarcasm...)

Magic the Cat, helping me take a picture of the two posters Berkley sent me for book signings

Magic the Cat helping me make the bed. (It is a little tough to put on the top sheet and comforters this way...)

Magic the Cat helping me to package up giveaway winnings. Yes, Magic is UNUSUALLY helpful, even for a cat.

Samhain helping me write. At last, something really useful! If you like to read gibberish.
I hope you all have a fabulous 3-day weekend (those in the USA that have one, anyway). I'm actually going to have a small Book Release Celebration Party at my house on Sunday. I wish you all could come!


  1. First of all, THANK YOU for writing this Baba Yaga series! It's so original and I love how it's so character driven.

    Next THANK YOU for helping me moderate the comments, I really appreciate it. As well as checking out my review and post. I'm happy that you approve and deem it positive.

    My ARC for Wickedly Wonderful came in the mail today, YAY!

    Enjoy the long weekend :)

    1. You are so welcome, Braine! Thanks for letting me stop by. Enjoy Wickedly Wonderful!

  2. Cannot wait until release day. I have been looking forward to this book since I first heard about it. :)

    I'm always a fan of contests for signed books or swag. Of course, I have a scrapbook for all my book swag, so I may not be the best judge. I missed a few because I thought they were facebook only (which I don't really used) or because my timing was off and I missed the cut offs. But I'm always on the lookout for them.

    And you just have to love helpful cats. One of mine usually only comes out to play when I have a book in my hands.

    1. Well, be sure to tune in on Tuesday, release day--I decided to have one last big could I not?

  3. Magic is a very hard working cat, indeed.

    Mary Anne in Kentucky
