Tuesday, July 15, 2014

WICKEDLY MAGICAL in Three Weeks! Yikes!

It suddenly occurred to me this morning that the Baba Yaga prequel novella, WICKEDLY MAGICAL, comes out three weeks from today yesterday. (There might have been some panicked shrieking, and possibly someone running around flailing their arms and yelling, oh my gods! oh my gods!)


The novella is only available as an eBook, like most novellas, but don't forget that you can get it through Amazon and download a Kindle app to your computer, if you don't have an eReader. And you don't HAVE to read it to enjoy the two novels, WICKEDLY DANGEROUS and WICKEDLY WONDERFUL -- it is just a nice way to meet the characters you'll get to know better later on.

The novella from Penguin
The novella from Amazon
The novella from B&N

Anyway, I said to Magic the Cat, I said, "Maybe we should have a contest to celebrate the upcoming release. Do you think I should give away one of the Advanced Reader Copies for Wickedly Dangerous?"

Apparently, she didn't think this was good enough. Here is what she suggested:

And as we all know, there is no point in arguing with Magic when she has her mind made up. So three copies it is. I'll even sign them.

Of course, I would love it if you would all run out and preorder the novella, the books, Magic's forthcoming autobiography (just kidding...I think I've bribed her not to write that)...but you don't have to. You can help spread the word, or just leave a comment here. Easy peasy. Because that's the way we roll around here. The contest starts at midnight tonight (July 15th) EST and ends Saturday night (July 19th) at midnight. (Sorry, USA residents only. If you live outside the US and you win, I'll send you something else cool.)

Okay, I'm going back to running around and flailing my arms now.

Addendum: Are people having a hard time using the Rafflecopter for some reason? There are a lot fewer entries than usual, despite the large number of page views. If something is going wrong, y'all would tell me, right?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the giveaway! So exciting!

  2. These are already worked into my newly-limited budget. I think it's down to just your novella and novel, plus Gail Carriger's November release at this point!

    1. I'm honored to be on your shortlist! Maybe you'll win a ARC, and then you'll only have to blow $2.99 on the novella :-)

  3. Would LOVE to receive a signed copy _ can't get the novella cause no kindle or nook or anything & cause I really love to actually hold the books in my hands - it's almost a "yum" with me
    Bonnie S

    1. I understand that. I only broke down and got a Kindle recently, mostly because of issues with my eyes.

      You can always download it to your computer and print it out :-)

  4. WOOT! Stephen's on the same countdown ;-)

    1. Yay! We can panic--I mean celebrate--together! What does he have coming out?

  5. I would totally read Magic's autobiography, but I understand that you don't have time to take her dictation and edit it for her.
    Mary Anne in Kentucky

  6. Me too, me too!
    Sooo looking forward to these stories!

  7. Had problems yesterday with both leaving a comment on this site, and with pre-ordering through Amazon, but not with the Rafflecopter itself.
    All worked okay for me today :D

  8. WICKEDLY DANGEROUS was already on my wish list, but I'm now considering the prequel novella since you've teasedddd me with it, lol.

  9. Cool give-away, Miss Deborah. Love ARCs. I buy every book you publish. So yep -these are must-haves. ;-) Blessings!

    1. I love ARCs too--something really cool about having a copy that most people don't. I'm swapping ARCs with author Carol Berg--way excited :-)

  10. Def. the novels. The novella as soon as I can replace my Kindle Fire.

  11. Congrats Deborah!! I'll be reading all of them!! :)

  12. I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it... :)

  13. Hey, I am onfacebook as a follower, Philski Edwards here. I wish you well on all writing adventures. I had never realized I had one of your older books until recently and am excited to read your first in the Baba Yaga series.

    1. Hi Ben/Philski! (What--are you hiding from the mob?)

      Which other book do you have? And happy to have you here too :-)

  14. Yeah, i discovered your books on fb and had a crazy omg-where-is-it-i-must-have-the-books-now moment until i realized they were not out yet. The wait is almost over, yaaaay.

    1. Hopefully lots of people will have that moment :-)

  15. I plan to add this to my list of your books that I will buy as soon as I have free money. :)

  16. Congratulations to the winners, whose names are posted at the bottom of the Rafflecopter giveaway form. They've all been notified and are very excited.

    If you didn't win, don't worry--there will be a few more contests and giveaways coming up, as we get closer to the release dates of the books!
