Monday, May 19, 2014

Big Happenings: Radio Event and Giveaway on Bitten By Books

I'm going to be on  the radio live this Thursday night from 9-10 pm EST at Blessed Be Garden's Radio Show -- you can join in by calling in or using the chat room Here ya go--the chat room!

Blessed Be Garden is a cool shop and so much more, run by a couple of very nice ladies named Krista and Andrea.They're strangely excited by the idea of having me on their show... I hope a few of you get a chance to stop by and say hi--you can actually hear my voice and everything!

Here's the event poster
Next Thursday on BLESSED BE GARDEN.......

I'm also taking part in a HUGE giveaway for Rachel Smith's amazing blog Bitten By Books. It is the blog's six year anniversary and she is doing six big days of giveaways, including prizes from really cool authors like Jim Butcher, and smaller (but also cool) folks like me. Today's prizes include a KINDLE FIRE! And I believe that you have 4-5 days to enter each day's contests, so it isn't too late. I don't know exactly which day she'll be giving away my prize pack, but I can tell you that I sent her...(wait for it)
Signed copies of the new Witch's Broom book, Everyday Witch A-Z, Everyday Witch A-Z Spellbook, and Everyday Witch Book of Rituals PLUS one of my handcrafted necklaces. You don't want to miss a prize pack like that, do you? No, I didn't think so!

Rachel was kind enough to invite me to do TWO events later in the year to celebrate the release of the two novels, so I definitely wanted to help her celebrate the anniversary of my favorite review and contest blog. Go check it out!

What an exciting week!

Addendum: As requested, the Necklace of the Week that I posted on Facebook, for those of you who aren't on there. (The stone is aventurine, in case you were wondering.)

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