Wednesday, October 30, 2013


As you all know, I just announced that I would be doing an 8th book for Llewellyn, a follow-up to The Goddess is in the Details

By a funny coincidence, blogger Renee Avard had just offered to do a guest post for me, talking about how reading The Goddess in the Details had affected her life, and her witchcraft practice. So I said, "Hey--here's a cool idea! Let's do the announcement of the new book, then you can come on and get people all excited." (Hey, why should I do all the work around here?)

So here is Renee's lovely guest blog (THANKS, RENEE!), which might just have made me a bit snivelly when I first read it. Do you have a story to share about The Goddess is in the Details? Email me at magicmysticminerva at yahoo and maybe I'll share yours too.

Home Is In the Details

I always knew I was something different. I was the one in school who stayed up late writing by candlelight. I felt the energies and the powers of the moon. I was incredibly touched by all things nature. And I flocked to all things spiritual.
I knew there had to be a definitive title for who I was, and it was not that I needed it, but because I wanted to go home. All of Life until that point, I was never home. I knew when I found the right 'clique', I would be able to finally be there.
After years of flitting around, I found it – my Path and I was immediately welcomed in and comfortable. .The Goddess sang out a song that played right to my heart and my heart answered. It came easy to me, it made sense to me and it just felt this was right for me.
After a few years along the Path, I was thinking that I really wanted more. I know that was like looking a gift horse in the mouth, but I felt an evolution of sorts about to take place. We are all a work-in-progress as truth growth does not stop.
It was like the Pessoa quote: “I feel like I am always on the verge of waking up.”
My world changed one day as I discovered an author, Deborah Blake, at the Barnes and Noble. An infusion of daily life and spiritual life makes for this incredible book – The Goddess Is In the Details. When I first read this years ago, I was in a place spiritually where I needed a total kick in the pants to become involved (and healthier) and this book was the Universe answering me.
Deborah breaks the book down each direction your journey is taking you on and then she has suggestions and prompts at the end of each chapter. She is very knowledgeable as she quotes many sources, which gives the reader a more well-rounded opinion.
It was not just the lessons and the words she used, it was her complete understanding of so many thoughts and concepts and her ability to break it down in terms that made sense. And I know when things make sense to me, then I am truly home.
The Goddess is in the Details moved me then, making it a book I reference often and it moves me now as.her spells and rituals remain quite powerful. I know that for me, when I saw how easy I could state things in my own terms, I reached a whole new plateau and my practice on the Path moved to another level altogether.
She reminds the reader that the daily 'mundane' chores can even be spiritual and I love to hear and read that because that is something I have done for a long time. From walking with my Dad when I was younger and finding rocks and such with Obsidian being the first 'crystal' I was into.
Whenever I write, I feel I am doing something spiritual. If I clean or do laundry or anything such as that, I remind myself of the good behind having the abilities to do those things. Then I read Deborah saying that daily things can be magical and actually be a method of honor all on their own.
Mind blown. Seriously.
Overall emotions that come up when I am reading range from absolute smirky-ness to smiling because some one out there just 'gets it!' I also am proud to be a part of this world, this space and live as who I am and always have been and who I always will be.
Part of the joy of Witchy-ness was the spells, the words sent out. As a writer by trade, I began, with inspiration, as lt moved me to pen my own thoughts. Even though I was an established author and writing poetry and other things for over 20 years, spell writing was something different and magical.
I loved being able to put the poetic style I had and do it in such a personal way. Deborah's gentle reminders about harming none and the fact that our words are very powerful remained with me. But not in a chastising way, but in a loving way as a well-loved Elder.
Reading this book again, I am still loving the 7 beliefs at the heart of being a Witch.They are so well-written and verstatile. (Especially loving words have power, if you could not tell) And a favorite section would be the one on dealing with a crisis.
As she shared the various attribute Witches have in their arsenal, I knew I could overcome most anything. The best part about this is that I was able to see that most of what we are put through can be prevented from the smallest of details.
Right then and there, I knew I would have to read and re-read all of Blake's stuff.
I have always been a Solitary so the chapter on that was one of my favorites. I find comfort and security in Blake's words throughout and I am harnessing that strength and beginning a group of my own (finally).
I have come to the realization that no one does anything truly alone. All of us are connected. And we are all meant to compliment one another.
In order for me to receive true acceptance in a place I felt lost in, I had to come to the realization that I am a part of something larger. In Blake's words, I find hope, validation and true compassion.
It was a beautiful feeling and I accepted myself and I realized that indeed, after a lifetime of not knowing what the word meant, I was finally ---


© Renee Avard
October 27 2013

Edited to add: And I just received the newsletter – a sequel to this book is officially in the works? I cannot believe it – I have been praying for this forever ;) Deborah, I am honored to know you, read you and have you as a part of my world. Many blessings and love sent out to you and thank you for this opportunity and to all for reading!

A bit about the author:

I am an Eclecitc Spiritualist and a Witch at heart. I write all I can and I love even more. I am an Ordained Minister and a High Priestess. A Crystal Therapist and an Angel Card Reader. I also work with Chakras and I offer intuitive counseling. I began Catch A Falling Star as a place to present my writings and write and over this year it has evolved into a full-blown business as a Spiritual and Holistic place I am proud of. Find out more about me and see my shananigans at

You can also find Renee on Facebook Be sure to tell her I sent you to say hi!


  1. Beautifully done Renee! I have that very book on my shelf as well!

  2. Congrats! I shared on FB and tweeted.
    Debbie Herbert
    Siren's Secret, November 2013, Harlequin Nocturne

    1. Thank you -- I appreciate that!
